Carausius, Antoninianus, 286-293, Camulodunum
RIC V Carausius 392.
Obv.: IMP CARAVSIVS P F AV, Bust of Carausius, radiate, draped, cuirassed, right.
Rev.: SAECVLARES AVG  M C, Lion, walking right.
2.89 g
20.3 mm

Carausius was a member of the Belgium tribe of the Menapii. He distinguished himself during Maximian's campaign against the Bagaudae rebels in northern Gaul in 286. Maximian, Diocletian’s colleague, promoted him to commander of the Classis Britannica (British fleet).
Carausius’ mission was to protect the sea and coastline from Frankish and Saxon pirates. He was suspected of allowing pirates to carry out raids and collect loot before attacking them, then keeping captured treasure for himself, and Maximian ordered his execution. In late 286 or early 287 Carausius learned of this sentence and responded by declaring himself Emperor in Britain and northern Gaul.
He reigned until 293 when he assassinated by his finance minister Allectus after his base of Boulogne was lost to Constantius Chlorus.
