Beautiful Antique Norwegian Spinning

Wheel - 1884

This antique spinning wheel is of Norwegian descent and dates back to 1884, making it over a century old. It was traditionally used to spin wool or other fibers into yarn for clothing and household textiles. The wheel has a dark blue finish that gives it a unique look and feel.

Design Features

The spinning wheel is a great example of Norwegian craftsmanship. It has a decorative carved support column, a large wheel with eight spokes, and a distaff (or rod) to hold the wool or flax. The wheel's design is typical of Norwegian spinning wheels from the 1800s.


Norwegian spinning wheels were typically used by rural Norwegian women in the mid-1800s for household textile production. The spinning wheel separated the fibers and twisted them into yarn or thread. Over time, the Norwegian spinning wheel evolved into a distinct and highly decorative form of craftsmanship. Many spinning wheels, like this one, were not only practical, but also highly decorative, often featuring intricate designs and carvings.

If you are a collector of antique spinning wheels or are simply in love with the beauty of this Norwegian piece, don't miss the chance to get it for your home or collection. It is a one-of-a-kind item that will surely become the centerpiece of any room and an excellent example of Norwegian functional art.