Pigeon Product - Cocci cure 150g - coccidiosis - by Pharma - Dr. Van der Sluis

Cocci cure 150g Pharma - Dr. Van der Sluis is treatment and prevention of coccidiosis, very effective and efficient in pigeons and cage birds.

- Treatment and prevention only and exclusively of coccidiosis.

Based masterful formula:
- Amprolium
- Sulfa

How to use:

- 1 tablespoon measure for 1 liters of drinking water for 3 consecutive days (removes every principle of existing bacteria).

- 1 tablespoon measure for 1 liters of drinking water for 6 consecutive days.

- During treatment, thoroughly clean all affected pigeon droppings to prevent reinfection, and the end of treatment, it is advised to administer multivitamins for two consecutive days.

Bottle of 150 gr

Cocci,cure,150g,coccidiosis,by,Pharma,Dr,Van,der,Sluis,cocci,cure,150g,coccidiosis,pharma,dr,van,der,sluis,antibiotics,Amprolium,Sulfa,cage,birds,pigeon,pigeons,product,products,racing,racing pigeons

Pigeon Products International