The poster, titled "Victory is Ours.....Forward", published by the Ottoman-era Naval Society, emphasizing that Muslims should stand against the British, French, Russians and Cossacks, 18x50 cm

"The day is dawning for Muslims. Forward... On the first day of Eid, the prayers of thousands of Muslims who responded to Allah's call with their heads bare, bare feet, were accepted... Didn't you get enough? Some of you, Muscovite's drawing will affect your language, religion, nation. You forgot, Cossack bayonet pierced your lungs. Muscovite soldiers put your women in the courts naked, some of you are moaning under the English whip... Some of you are zebun under the French sword... Your mosques have been destroyed, your houses have been destroyed... The right of the Qur'an, the right of conscience, the right of the caliph, the right of the khan command is... FORWARD...