Although, Raro is still just a foal, he is admirable. Not only because of his appearance (his silvery mane and tail gleam in the sunshine), but because he is always ready for a little riding. It's easy to love him for his smile as well. It comes in three colors: brown, grey, and black. Tell us which colour horse you want!

Size: 25cm (9.8 inches) without the tail

See my other puppets and if you buy 2 or more of them, I send them via automatically with Fedex (3-5 workdays). If you buy only 1 puppet and want fast shipping, send me a message. For FedEx shipping, the recipient’s phone number is required.

Instructions for use:
Insert your hand into the puppet by placing one finger in each of the four legs and one finger in the head, as if you were putting on a five-fingered glove. Your middle finger should be placed in the head. This way, you can easily move the puppet's head and all of its legs.

Playing with a horse puppet can be a delightful and imaginative activity for kids and adults alike. Here are some fun ideas to spark your creativity:

Pretend Play: Act out various scenarios with the horse puppet, such as going on adventures, riding through different landscapes, or participating in a horse show.

Ranch or Farm: Create a mini ranch or farm scene using the horse puppet. You can introduce other animal puppets like cows, chickens, and pigs for a complete play environment.

Storytelling: Craft stories where the horse puppet is the main character, embarking on exciting journeys, solving mysteries, or learning important life lessons.

Wild West Adventures: Set up a Wild West theme with the horse puppet as a cowboy or cowgirl's trusty steed. Create a town, a saloon, and have fun with cowboy hats and bandanas.

Equestrian Show: Arrange a pretend equestrian competition. Have the horse puppet jump over makeshift obstacles, perform tricks, or showcase its elegance in a "show ring."

Nature Explorations: Take the horse puppet on an imaginary nature expedition through forests, mountains, and fields. Encounter wildlife, cross rivers, and brave challenges.

Friendship Tales: Develop stories centered around the horse puppet's friendships with other puppet characters, teaching the value of companionship and teamwork.

Horsey Dress-Up: Have fun dressing up the horse puppet with different accessories like saddles, reins, bridles, and colorful ribbons.

Historical Adventures: Transport the horse puppet to different historical eras like medieval times or ancient civilizations. Explore how horses played a role in various cultures.

Learning Opportunities: Use the horse puppet to teach kids about horse anatomy, behavior, and care, sparking their interest in animals and nature.

Riding Lessons: Set up a "riding school" scenario where the horse puppet becomes a riding instructor, teaching other puppets or toys how to ride and care for horses.

Seasonal Play: Tailor the play to different seasons. Have a winter wonderland adventure with the horse puppet in snowy landscapes or a sunny picnic in spring.

Campfire Tales: Create a campfire scene and have the horse puppet join in storytelling sessions with other puppet friends, sharing their own tales of bravery and excitement.

Outdoor Camping: Go camping with the horse puppet. Set up a mini campsite and have the puppet explore the great outdoors, roast marshmallows, and stargaze.

Circus Spectacle: Design a puppet circus where the horse puppet can be part of an impressive equestrian performance, demonstrating tricks and stunts.

Remember, the key is to let your imagination run wild and adapt these ideas to suit your preferences and the interests of those playing with the puppet.

Here is a short tale:

Raro's Quest for the Shimmering Meadow

In a peaceful valley nestled between rolling hills, lived Raro, a spirited and adventurous horse. Raro's coat was a rich chestnut, and his eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement. Unlike the other horses, Raro yearned for the unknown and dreamed of exploring beyond the familiar fields.

One morning, as the sun bathed the valley in a golden glow, Raro decided it was time to embark on a grand adventure. He bid farewell to his equine companions and set forth with determination in his heart.

Raro's journey led him through dense forests, across bubbling streams, and over towering mountains. Along the way, he encountered a mischievous squirrel named Squeak, who became his trusty guide. Squeak led Raro to hidden paths and shared tales of enchanted meadows that shimmered with magic.

As the days turned into weeks, Raro and Squeak traversed landscapes both beautiful and challenging. They faced thunderstorms, crossed rickety bridges, and discovered mysterious caves. Through each obstacle, Raro's courage and determination grew stronger.

One day, after crossing a sparkling river, Raro and Squeak stumbled upon a meadow unlike any they had ever seen. The grass shone like gold, and flowers radiated colors that seemed to dance in the breeze. The meadow truly shimmered with an otherworldly glow.

Amidst the meadow, Raro met Lila, a graceful deer with gentle eyes. Lila explained that the meadow was a magical place where the heart's desires came to life. Raro shared his dream of adventure and exploration, and Lila smiled, recognizing his courage.

Raro's wish was granted, and the meadow transformed into a canvas of breathtaking landscapes. Mountains, forests, oceans, and deserts unfurled before him. Raro galloped across these wondrous terrains, feeling the thrill of discovery in every stride.

Time passed, and Raro's heart stirred with a sense of longing for his valley home. With a bittersweet farewell, Raro thanked Lila and the shimmering meadow for the unforgettable experience. He knew it was time to return.

As he journeyed back, Raro's heart was filled with a newfound appreciation for his valley. He marveled at the simple beauty of the hills, the warmth of the sun, and the companionship of his fellow horses.

Upon his return, Raro shared his tales of adventure with his friends, inspiring them to embrace their own dreams and curiosities. From then on, Raro was known as the courageous horse who ventured beyond, discovered magic, and returned home with a heart full of gratitude.

And so, in that peaceful valley, Raro's legacy lived on, encouraging all to chase their dreams while cherishing the beauty that surrounds them.