Product Description

Front  :  Ruesi Jao Saming Prai -  Lersi amulet

Back : Hanuman ( King of Monkey )


Color : Blue/ Gold
Size :  3.5*4.5 cm

SKU#  52

Beautiful colored enamel coin in waterproof pendant .
Already blessed  , Ready to use .

Very stunning pendant nice and powerful to wear on your necklace pendant .

Effect: Protection from Danger , Anti black magic


Increase Money Luck tremendously, Wealth fetching, Good in business, Overall good luck, Metta and Family Harmony, Good in protection from harm and danger.

 The good luck belongs to the person who owns it and most people believed that :

Facts about Thai amulet:

1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

Luang Phor Channai Wat Khunakorn is one of the well-known masters nowadays for this North-Eastern Wiccha of Seur Hua Cut (Headless Tiger). To those who might have yet to hear about this Wiccha, Seur Hua Cut is actually an old school Wiccha that is known for protection, metta and overcoming enemies. In fact , there are many miracles reported about Luang Phor Channai’s Seur Hua Cut. On top of that, Luang Phor Chanai is also an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way and is well-respected in the North-Eastern Region of Khon Kaen.

泰国东北部当地一位非常出名师傅:龙婆禪乃. 他也是断头虎法脉传人.龙婆禪乃的圣物佛牌也有非常多的奇迹. 有一次匪徒抢劫开枪子弹打不出,后来得知在现场有信徒佩戴师傅的佛牌. 有一次信徒让人送去医院抽血不过针打不进因为信徒遇到了严重的车祸不过因为佩戴师傅的佛牌没有受伤. 也有的人生意失败佩戴师傅佛牌过后生意突然好转.

Magic Yantra Tattoo from  Lp Chanai