Planning  A  Tight  Budget Wedding?  Here's Something Classy, Cheap!---Here is a small collection of new items I recently purchased.
  1.  A very smart looking Guest Book clean as a whistle inside and out. It has a bright reflective silver cover and measures 6 x 9-1/2  in.  (Never been written in).
  2. An equally shiny silver pen and pen holder.  I opened the pen and made sure the ink was good.  It was full and I had to knock the paraffin seal off to make the pen write.
  3. An unopened box containing a silver Evergrand pen set.  I left it sealed and did not open it.  I was made in 2015 and has never been used.
Note:  These are items that could be used at any fancy meeting, especially that snazzy guest book.  nice!