Exercise Testing for Primary Care and Sports Medicine Physicians

Evans, Corey H.; White, Russell D.
Springer, Berlin
420 pages; XVI, 420 p.; 243 x 157 x 29 mm
sports medicine, Fitness, Physiatry, sports, Family Medicine
EUR 106,99 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Exercise Testing for Primary Care and Sports Medicine Physicians
This practical guide to exercise stress testing is geared specifically to primary, family, and sports medicine physicians. As a definitive reference, the text breaks down related data and research and offers it in a manner that emphasizes clinical application.
This book by Corey H. Evans, Russell D. White, and coauthorsis a gem. There was a time when exercise testing was largely limited to cardiologists, but no more. Ex- cise testing, which providesinformationon tness, the risk of coronarydisease, and all around vitality, is now being performed in the of ces of primary care physicians across the United States. Although there is a signi cant risk in some populations, a careful doctor who takes the trouble to become knowledgeable in exercise physiology and the pat- physiologyof coronary artery disease can use exercise testing to improve his ability to give excellent, preventive medicine. Over the years I have read many books on this subject, and even contributed to some,andthis oneratesrightup therewith the best. Likemanymultiauthoredbooks thereissomerepetition,butthisisnotallbad.Acarefulstudyofthevariouschapters willprovideadepthofknowledgethatwillcomeingoodsteadwhenproblemsarise. I can especially recommendthe chapter on exercise physiology.When the reader has mastered the material presented in this chapter, he has acquired a knowledge base so that he can become an expert in exercise testing equal to almost anyone. Over the years I have been privileged to know several of the authors and have followed their publications. Their contributions to our knowledge base in this eld havebeenconsiderable.Acquiringthisbookandbecomingfamiliarwithitscontents will set you apart in the eld of exercise testing.
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