Rare Phra Pidta statue

Close Eye Buddha Amulet .


Product Description


For worship on altar at home or shop .


Special Shape with handwriten magic Yantra mantra on this statue .

Have only my shop .

Condition: Perfect Good condition

Material: mix holy Sacred Powder .

Lap  3 " inches

size : width  4 cm   Long 7 cm 

height 9  cm

 weight  225 Grams

Antique Phra Pidta old statue

FULL Hand writen MAGIC YANTRA  blessed Lp Kaew .

Very powerful Protection

Material : Mix with sacred holy material and powder + wood .

The Legend of Phra Pidta

The Pidta style amulet with a monk sitting in full or half-lotus position and with his hands covering his eyes and face is a style that has become very popular among Thai Buddhists, but other Buddhists across the world as well.

Phra Pidta, meaning closes or covers its eyes in Thai, also known as closed eyes Buddha. There are few types of Phra Pidta in Thai, with four arms, six arms or fully covered with mantras.

It is one of the favorite kind of Buddha amulets of Thai citizens. Phra Pidta is a representation of a venerable monk well known for deep samadhi meditation (absorption) during Gotham Buddha’s time more than 2,550 years ago.

Hands over the eyes symbolizes a blocking out of the outside world during intense Sammabart meditation. This is jhana level meditation which can also cross-over into Abhinna.

Abhinna are supernatural experiences which people meditating in the fourth Jhana can sometimes attain. People buy these amulets to increase their wealth primarily.

Business prosperity is a major benefit of this amulet. Yet, there are said to be many benefits of the amulets including good luck and protection from harm of all sorts. Phra Pidta, meaning closes or covers its eyes in Thai, also known as closed eyes Buddha.

There are few types of Phra Pidta in Thai, with four arms, six arms or fully covered with mantras. It is one of the favorite kind of Buddha amulets of Thai citizens. something, nobody can do any bad things to you such as making rumors.

Phra pidta closes his eyes, thus has the function to prevent villains. It’s for avoiding weasel and devil, bringing unexpected money, investing in business.

Phra Pidta was an apprentice of Buddha according to the legend. He had accumulated plenty blessings and virtues in his past lifetimes when he was still a human.

During one of his past life, he practiced Buddhism with other monks. At one night, the place was flooded and the monks were almost drowned. Buddha immediately sent Phra Pidta to stop the water flow and save the monks.

From then on, men in heaven and the mortal were convinced of his ability and respected him. In his another past life, he always worshiped Buddha and eminent monks with fresh flowers.

While in another past life :

He was a child to a cattle raising family. In mornings, he often saw a mendicant monk meditating at a free ground. He knew it must be hard for the monk to meditate under hot sun.

Therefore, he set up a simple shed for the monk when he wasn’t around, so that the monk can stay from hot sun and rain. All the good things he had done had made him promoted to the heaven.

Phra Pidta had a handsome look and good karma. Many worshipers loved him very much. Even some of them mistaken him for Buddha. These had become barriers to his practice.

Rumors about female worshipers had better hospitality to him because of his handsome appearance were spread. There was even saying he had affair with the female.

Thus to avoid these rumors from spreading again, Phra Pidta used his supernatural power to change his outlook and became ugly, short or fat. However, these couldn’t change their enthusiasm to him.

Therefore he closed his eyes in long time, ignoring people’s words and attitude, with all focus in his practice. Since then, Phra Pidta’s facial image is made into the one we see now, covering his eyes signifying to cover up the six roots of sensations: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and desire to free from human desires and passions.

The six gunas: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought can keep one in mind the teachings of Buddha. Therefore, wearing Phra Pidta Buddha amulet can make one’s mind more focused no matter on practicing Buddhism or thinking.

In mortal world, Phra Pidta’s image is publicly known as posture of avoiding from disasters and dangers, keeping one safe from harm. It is also known for preventing villains. Monks across Thailand have made Phra Pidta style amulets, the belowmentioned are some of the notable monks that have made powerful amulets.



LP Kaew , Kueawan temple

Chonburi Province

Thailand .







Old Phra Pidta Close eye in old Pendant

from my family collection .

Sacred holy mass



Stunning Phra Pidta Luang Por Kaew.


Phra Pidta Closing Eye Buddha Thai Amulet










Lp kaew picture







Venerable Luang Phor Kaew was One of the Top Famous Gaeijis (Masters) during the Old Siamese Era; he was named the "King of Pidta" as he made very Efficacious & Powerful Pidtas. One of the reasons was that LP Kaew was not only an adept in making Phra Pidtas but also had attained high levels in Abinnya (Supernatural Powers) such as he was able to turn leaves from the trees to bees, he was also able to levitate and walk on shores (seaside) of Chonburi, he was also able to make himself invisible (where one can't see him with the naked eyes) and many miracles attested. Wearers & Owners of his Pidtas could feel the Amazing Powers of his Pidtas to such an extent that his Pidtas Grants the Wishes of the Wearers/Owners as well as Overall Protection!!!

Luang Phor Kaew was born in the year 2385 (1842) and passed away in the year 2470 (1927) at the age of 85.


Most of his Phra Pidtas were consecrated during his mid 40s to 50s. His Phra Pidta was well known for it's Powers for Maha Amnnaj (Authority/Charisma) , Maha Grung Kha Phan (Invulnerability), Maha Urd (Invincibility) and Klaew Klad (Avoidance of Dangers). The reason for consecration of such Pidtas was that Luang Kaew was from Petchburi, a town that was much a cowboy town in those days; where people there will brawl and shoot over petty incidents. Therefore, he has developed such Wichas (Magical Knowledge & Skills) for Maha Amnnaj, Maha Grung Kha Phan, Maha Urd and Klaew Klad. In reality, other wearers/owners of his Phra Pidtas found them also to have the qualities and powers of Maha Choke (Good Luck), Maha Larp (Good Fortune) and Metta (Loving Kindness), therefore, Luang Phor Kaew's Phra Pidtas are an Overall All Rounder!!!


Phra Pidta amulets can enhance your fortune and ward off the evils. People who often go for business trip or doing dangerous work are suitable to wear this. The Phra Pidta hides its eyes meaning that when we stop concerning, asking
and caring something, nobody can do any bad things to you such as making rumors. Phra pidta closes his eyes, thus has the function to prevent villains. It's for avoiding weasel and devil, bringing unexpected money, investing in business.

Phra pidta Katha

Sha-bi-bhu-dha ba-la-ba-de
Pak-chi-ka-nan-jia-yang ba-lang-ah-la-han
Da-nan-jie-di chi-nan-nak-kang
Bang-da-wei sha-ba-shu-an
Pi Yo Tay Wa Ma, Nok Sa Nam
Pi Yo Prom Ma Na, Mu Tar Mo
Pi Yo Na Kar Su Pang Na Rang
Pi In Tar Read Yang Na Ma Mi Hung
Hit Chi Tang Pi Yang Mak Mak



Phra Pidta, meaning closes or covers its eyes in Thai, also known as closed eyes Buddha. There are few types of Phra Pidta in Thai, with four arms, six arms or fully covered with mantras. It is one of the favorite kind of Buddha amulets of Thai citizens.





Performance Abillity of Amulet: Life protection,Good trade,Good metta ,Wealth, Prevent Dark Magic and Evil Spirits,
Danger Obstacle cease,Charms / Attraction in LOVE& SEX ,Give merciful,without poor, Triumphantly,
Loving Kindness, Harm proof, Avoid from danger,Change Bad Luck to Good Luck, Win Gambling , Wishes be Fulfilled,
Get Healthy Live Better And Be Happy. 


and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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We are expert collector and trader buddha amulets , antiques , Talismans items from Thailand & Southeast Asia.
We open amulet store in Thailand too.


All of our Amulets are 100 % Satisfaction guarantee and either straight from the temple or from very reliable sources including dealers and collectors
around Thailand with whom we are afilliated.

You can trust that the items are Rare, Sacred, Genuine and beautiful Items.