Realistic STA-2100D Stereo Receiver, Serviced - Radio Shack 1980 Beast!

I enjoy picking up interesting high-power receivers from the silver face era, rehabilitating them, enjoying them for a while, and then passing them on to someone will use and appreciate them.  This receiver came to me with a bad power switch, blown power amps, and broken dial string.  But on the plus side, it was in far better physical condition than most 43-year-old receivers.  You have to look very long and hard to find any nicks or scratches.  The front panel and the cabinet polished up beautifully!  I'm guessing it died many years ago, someone attempted to repair it, accidentally broke the dial string, figured they were in over their head and put it on the shelf in disgust.

This is what I did with this receiver:
In my opinion, there is nothing left that needs attention, this receiver is ready to use and enjoy!  I cannot guarantee that 43-year-old electronics will meet original specs, so this sale is "as is, no returns."  Having said that, I will always do everything possible to ensure that you are satisfied with this receiver, and that starts with proper packaging.  I have sturdy double-wall boxes that I save from computer workstation purchases at the office, so you can be confident that this receiver will arrive safely.  Note that for our mutual protection, a signature will be required when delivered.

Thank you for reading all the way through this, and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.