Wildlife Study Design

Morrison, Michael L.; Block, William M.; Strickland, M. Dale; Collier, Bret A.; Peterson, Markus J.
Springer, Berlin
2nd ed.
386 pages; XXXIV, 386 p.
Reihe / Serie
Springer Series on Environmental Management
Forschung, Natur, Naturforscher, Ökologie, Conservation biology, Ecology, animal ecology, biology, conservation, impact assessment, natural resources, research methods, resource management, sampling, study design, wildlife biology, wildlife management, Fish and Wildlife Biology
EUR 106,99 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Wildlife Study Design
"Wildlife Study Design" provides researchers and resource managers with a comprehensive guide to planning new studies by covering all aspects of study design, including surveys of major types of studies and variables, impact assessment, statistics, sampling techniques, inventorying and monitoring, and analysis of data. The book includes a practical, step-by-step guide to setting up a new study, minimal mathematical notation, and examples drawn from field research in order to make applied animal ecology both accessible and relevant. This edition includes substantial new and updated content, including an increase in the number of non-terrestrial vertebrate examples, a glossary of terms, expanded chapter summaries and the addition of boxes for easy reference. Resource managers, researchers, and students of wildlife and conservation biology will find this book a fundamental resource for implementing and evaluating appropriate studies.
We developed the first edition of this book because we perceived a need for a compilation on study design with application to studies of the ecology, conser- tion, and management of wildlife. We felt that the need for coverage of study design in one source was strong, and although a few books and monographs existed on some of the topics that we covered, no single work attempted to synthesize the many facets of wildlife study design. We decided to develop this second edition because our original goal - synthesis of study design - remains strong, and because we each gathered a substantial body of new material with which we could update and expand each chapter. Several of us also used the first edition as the basis for workshops and graduate teaching, which provided us with many valuable suggestions from readers on how to improve the text. In particular, Morrison received a detailed review from the graduate s- dents in his "Wildlife Study Design" course at Texas A&M University. We also paid heed to the reviews of the first edition that appeared in the literature.

From the reviews:

"Despite the large number of wildlife and conservation studies that are conducted, researchers and resource managers have not had a comprehensive guide to planning new studies. This book fills that need by covering all aspects of study designs, including surveys of major types of studies and variables, impact assessment, sampling strategies, inventory and monitoring, and analysis of data." (Abstracts of Public Administration, Development, and Environment, Issue 1, 2000)

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