Antique Vintage Luxtone Acneo Cream Original Box and Print Advertising Paper Ephemera Milk Glass Jar

Acne Cream Circa 1920s

Interesting that there is so little on the Internet about this company.
Cream is in a milk glass jar with metal lid, paper label

Hairline Crack in jar.

It does not appear to ever have been opened.  Good looking bathroom display.  Being sold as display (not for personal use).

Condition of box is poor. Top missing.

What's fascinating is the paper enclosure listing ALL their many products that you could order.

Frank Welsh, Pres.
Dept. 15
Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, III.

Thanks for stopping by.

Copied and pasted from True Story Magazine May 1922

Known as the Luxtone Beauty Combination — which is designed for your type of skin, in accordance with directions. And in order that you may do this without risking a penny and see for yourself its wonderful results, a special offer is made to readers of this magazine..

Make This 5- Days' Trial

Simply indicate on the coupon below whether your skin is Oily, Dry or Normal, and send to me —

Marie Franzan, care of the Luxtone Company.

You will receive by mail the Luxtone Beauty Combination you need. When it arrives, pay the postman only $2.00, the special low price.

Then, if after 5 days' trial, you are not more than delighted with the improvement in your complexion, your money will be refunded without question.

This is a special offer. Mail the coupon now before it is withdrawn.

Just indicate your type of skin on the coupon below, and mail it today.

Dept. 15
2703 Cottage Grove Avenue,
Chicago, 111.