Esoxx One is a medical device with a mechanical mechanism of action, which leads to a rapid improvement of symptoms related to gastroesophageal reflux.


  - Mustard,

- Epigastric pain,

- Acid reflux,

- Irritable cough.

- Dysphonia.


hyaluronic acid,

Chondroitin sulfate,

Poloxamer 407.

Way of use:

1 sachet (single-dose package) after the main meals and before going to sleep or according to the doctor's advice.


There are no special contraindications, except for cases of hypersensitivity to one of the substances in the product. In these cases, it is necessary to stop further therapy and consult your doctor. Although there are no known side effects, the product should not be used during pregnancy and during the first months of breastfeeding. Before using the product, consult your doctor. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Package: Sachets 20x10ml