UMF 12+

UMF 15+ 

  • Awarded Gold At London International Honey Awards 2021
UMF 20+

Only here in the Taranaki backcountry does a uniquely nectarious type of wild mānuka flourish. Each year the precious mānuka plants flower for a short time, and the bees get to work. Mānuka honey production is strictly limited, making every jar of Naki Honey a limited edition, designed & destined for the honey connoisseurs pantry.

Sourced solely from Taranaki Mānuka, New Zealand. Naki Honey is a boutique, family-run honey operation in the stunning coastal region of Taranaki in New Zealand's North Island.

Exceeds the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) grading system for mānuka honey

Family Ethics
Naki Honey is a boutique, family-run honey operation in the stunning coastal region of Taranaki in New Zealand's North Island.

Behind the Mascull family is a deep love for their home of New Plymouth in Taranaki. Brett, Lorinda and the family are never far from their next outdoor adventure in the surf, the hills or the bush. It is this connection with the land that shapes their deep understanding and respect for honey making. They know Mother Nature is at the helm, and they are her humble supporters.


Fertility: The secret to our success
Beneath the iconic silhouette of Mt Taranaki, an iconic product is being buzzed into life.
A place of generous rainfall, rich volcanic soil and unrivalled fertility, Taranaki is the perfect location for Leptospermum scoparium, also known as mānuka, also known as heaven for bees.

Centuries ago, volcanic activity deposited rich nutrients to create vast, dense swathes of mānuka stands. Naki Honey holds a parcel of this mānuka-covered land, largely untouched by humans and untroubled by rival flora or interference from cultivated crops and the chemicals that come with it. Here, the bees feast exclusively on mānuka nectar and from this comes pure mānuka honey.

With a light touch and as little interference as possible, we bring the incredible properties of the fertile Taranaki region to you.