Improves lipid status, protects the heart and blood vessels.

Biostatine forte is a dietary supplement with fermented red rice, artichoke leaf extract and citrus bioflavonoids, to maintain normal blood lipid levels.
Herbal extracts are of high quality, purified and standardized for active substances. By their combined action, they effectively lower the values ​​of total cholesterol

The product is intended for oral use in adults, the recommendation is a minimum of eight weeks of use. 
Take one tablet a day, before lunch or dinner, with plenty of water. It is recommended not to consume large quantities of grapefruit with this product.
Dry extract of fermented red rice (Oriza sativa, Monascus purpureus, maltodextrin) standardized to 10 mg Monocholine K, Dry extract of artichoke leaf (Cynaria scolimus, maltodextrin) standardized to 2.5% Cynarin, Citrus flavonoids