New Vinyl , 


My favorite Hania has just announced her third solo album. I am extremely happy about this, because in my opinion she is one of the most important artists on contemporary music scenes. It seems to me that Hania Rani is a real alternative and a total artist. He stands out from the crowd of people who copy and create art for art's sake.

From the beginning of her career, Hania was able to surprise and move listeners and make them think. Her music was and still is a metaphorical stop sign that forces us to give up the daily rush. Hania wants us to sit next to her and listen to the beating of our hearts and to what surrounds us. Each of her albums, solo or recorded with the equally talented Dobrawa Czocher, was a confirmation of her great artistic skill. From album to album, Hania showed not only a sense of the instrument, but also her sensitivity, thanks to which we, as listeners, also became better in a sense.

Hania Rani, like no one else, is able to create an intimate atmosphere, thanks to which we have the impression that the sounds of her piano are addressed only to us. Sometimes I had the impression that with his music he was talking about what was happening to me. It describes my daily ups and downs with subtle key sounds. I know it sounds quite strange, but Hania creates albums that can serve as a soundtrack to our everyday life. Her music is and was very artistic and cinematic, even despite the sparseness of the means of expression, it makes a stunning impression. It is ethereal, but also mysterious and mystical. What will Hania treat us to this time on her latest album "Ghosts"? How will it move our souls? The album, which features guests such as Patrick Watson, Ólafur Arnalds and Duncan Bellamy (Portico Quartet), is the result of all Hania's musical inspirations. We are talking here about classical music, but also about bands such as The Smile or Pink Floyd. This album is also intended to be a testimony to the constantly changing artist. It is her journey between musical worlds that have fascinated her for years. In addition to the beautiful keyboard sounds that envelop the listener from the very beginning, the sensual and mysterious voice of Hania herself also plays an important role on this album.

This time she also decided to speak to us not only with sound, but also with words that will perfectly complement soothing and moving notes. The lyrics written for this album are inspired by her stay in the mountains and work on the previous project "On Giacometti". As she recalls, she lived there in an old sanatorium surrounded by abandoned, once popular and bustling hotels. Today, these are empty buildings, hiding only memories of former guests. According to local legends, ghosts live in abandoned buildings, which is why she chose this title for the album. Although most of the songs on "Ghost" still discuss more romantic issues, such as love, the album is also the artist's reflection on the end of life or loneliness, i.e. what is inevitable. I believe that this will be one of the most important Polish premieres this year and I can't wait for the next installment of Hania's talent.


A1 Oltre Terra
A2 Hell
A3 Don't Break My Heart (feat. Duncan Bellamy)
A4 24/03

B1 Dancing with Ghosts (feat. Patrick Watson)
B2 A Day in Never
B3 Whispering House (feat. Olafur Arnalds)

C1 The Boat
C2 Moans
C3 Thin Line (feat. Duncan Bellamy)

D1 Komeda
D2 Loss
D3 Nostalgia

If you are looking for some other Polish releases please let me know :)