Our Natural Treats are specially Formulated to Support your Dog's Immune Function and Seasonal Allergy as Well as Skin Allergy Relief.

Full of Natural Digestive System Balancing Ingredients. 

All Breeds, All Sizes & All Ages: 150 Delicious Duck Chews Per Jar, up to 2 months supply of premium delicious chewable treats.

Our Specially Formulated Allergy Relief Immune soft chews are tasty natural treats aimed to support and boost your dog’s immune system and at the same time soothe your dog's scratching, licking and chewing, help nourish their itchy, sensitive skin with our Natural All-Itch and Immunity Treats in 30 days.

Free From Preservatives, Hormones, Sugars, Curing agents, Soy & Corn

How the Allergy Relief Immune Chews can support your dog?

Helps relieve itchiness, hot spots, dry skin and restores shiny skin and coat;

- Boosts pet’s immune system.

- Supports healthy digestion with enzymes and pumpkin.

- All-natural and safe ingredients.

- No dangerous preservatives, flavour enhancers or fillers.

- Easy to serve chews, no hassle with pills, spray or shampoo.

- 150 delicious chewable treats per container.


Active Ingredients: Omega 3 Fatty Acid (Fish Oil), Turmeric Root, Pumpkin Powder, Grape Seed Extract, Bromelain, EPA(Eicosapentaenoic Acid), Bromelain, DHA(Docosahexaenoic Acid)

Inactive Ingredients: Water, Brewers Dried Yeast, Canola Oil, Duck Noodles, Citric Acid, Dried Potato, Flaxseed, Glycerin, Lecithin, Maltodextrin, Tapioca Startch, Mixed Toophents Rosemary Extract, Sorbic Acid, Vegetable Oil