Cat Easy Clean Sifting Litter Tray

Ideal for kittens and for adult cats.

• Sifting Cat Litter Tray - Scoopless Toilet Box, No unnecessary frames, easy assemble and clean
• Easy Clean - Just wash in the sink
• Economy - No litter required
• Strong, Durable & Long Lasting High Quality Plastic
• Dimensions: 36 x 26 x 9 cm. 
• Colours: White, Light Blue, Grey, Pink

How to use the toilet:

If you have adult cat(s):

You might want to introduce them to the toilet first. You can achieve this by lifting up the top half of the toilet and putting in a little bit of their used, usual litter on the bottom level. This will make them get used to the smell and recognise the new toilet as their own. Soon enough you won’t have to use the messy litter with the toilet and the cat(s) will simply use it by themselves. The pee will end up under the railing and the poo will stay above, allowing for an easy throw away and clean. 

If you have a younger cat or kitten(s): 

We recommend putting some of their used, usual litter (from your usual litter tray) above the railing for them to smell and try to dig at. The kittens will soon recognise their smell on the toilet and will begin using it with confidence, without the usual litter. Then you can stop using the usual litter with the toilet, keeping just the toilet alone and saving you money by not buying litter every other month.(Like with the adult cats, the pee will end up on the bottom half, uder the railing while the poo will stay above. This will make the cleaning process easier and less messy, as well as cheaper in the long run.)

Vets recommend having as many toilets as you have cats in the house and also plus one just in case, for convenience. 
Clean the toilet after each noticed use, so that the cats do not get put off and also will feel more comfortable. 

If you have any further questions or would like details, please use the ebay contact details provided.