Deliberately minted PATTERN but called an error because it should have been destroyed at the Mint.

Hurry, only specimen left of the mere 11 known mintage. None others exist in ANY denomination! 

Very high rims, proof finish. 

Sure to be the centerpiece of any Eisenhower, error, or esoterica collection. 

YOU WILL RECEIVE THE BEAUTIFUL IMAGED COIN, cert 2041173-018. It looks nicer in person. 

Deliberately made Experimental but called an error because the Mint was supposed to have destroyed it. 

Member of prestigious CDN Exchange (aka Greysheet aka Coinplex) since 2011 and one of its top 10 bidders in dollar volume. Fewer than 200 members worldwide. Click our username to see our other credentials at the top of our homepage. 

▶NOTE: Five day return privilege.

Exciting coin for exciting times™