Moon Orgone Energy Amulet Talisman| Winner Magnet, Money, Prosperity, Success, Lady Luck, Increase Spells Pendant.

When you wear this powerful triple, triple, triple  charge orgone, your energies will mix with the spells to bring you Success

beautiful CASH, You will get a promotion on your job, Win a lottery or sweepstakes, Lady luck will smile upon you, Winner Magnet and More....

A rich  green shade of green aventurine, malachite gemstones, malachite  gemstones, green fluorite  gemstones, this really is a luxurious and beautiful piece for the style or conscious shopper.

This pendants come with a black adjustable cord (different gemstones are available in this design).

Orgone dimensions 34 mm width / 34mm height/ 10 mm depth and gold plated hole 0.2

What is orgone?

Orgone was initially a expression primary made use of by the scientist Wilhelm Reich to distinguish Life Energy. By means of his research regarding purifying energy fields, he discovered that by simply layering organic and inorganic materials, Life Force Energy could be cleaned, compacted, and magnified.

This kind of Energy may be known by simply numerous cultures as Chi, Ki, Prana, Ether, or Life Force. He created systems to utilize this Energy to help cure health problems and modify weather. Wilhelm Reich ended up being considered as one of the finest natural scientists of the twentieth century.


Resin, 24k real gold leaf, shungite stone, crush up clear quartz, crush up rose gemstone, crush up amethyst, crush up sodalite, crush up carnelian, crush up tiger eye, crush up jade, crush up green averturine, crush up black onyx, crush up turquoise, crush up black tourmaline gemstones, green aventurine, green fluorite, malachite  gemstones, very small magnet, 5 different mixed metals and POWERFUL SPELLS.

Stone Colour: Terminated Quartz Crystal (crush up)

Key Properties: Quartz Crystal can bring the energy of the stars into the soul. Traditionally, the natural quartz crystal was said to both harmonize and align human energies, thoughts, consciousness, emotions - with the energies of the universe and to make these greater energies available to humanity.

Stone Name: Crush up rose quartz

Key Properties: Love; gentleness; emotional healing; release of stress; uniting with divine.

Spiritual Properties: Humble but powerful; bathes body, mind and spirit in healing frequency; enlightening; loving consciousness.

Emotional Properties: Calming; releasing worry, fear, anxiety and past emotional trauma; clears ego-driven patterns; open to receiving and sharing love, compassion and kindness.

Healing Properties: Stabilizes heart trauma and imbalance; shifts heart to higher frequency; esp. good for babies or kids with weak hearts


Key Properties: Combats lethargy, passivity and non-acceptance of oneself. Stimulates, optimism, diplomacy and independence. Provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and aligns the subtle bodies. Magnifies energy transfer of other minerals.

Shungite Stone 

Shungite actively interacts with the electromagnetic fields (high frequency, solar, geopathogenic, biofields ) and neutralizes their negative impacts.

The Shungite orgone pendant is a shielding device for harmful electromagnetic radiation from computers, microwaves, ovens, TVs, mobile phones etc. It provides a torsional field which reflects pathogenic rays.

The Health And Well-being benefits of orgones

 Turns negative energy into positive energy.

 Purifies the atmosphere, detoxifies water.

 Helps plants to grow better, repels pests

 Mitigates harmful EMF radiation( from mobile phones, TV, Wi-Fi and more).

 Disarms and repels predatory forms of life.

 Inspires a pleasant demeanour and balanced happier moods.

 Frequently remedies insomnia and chronic nightmares.

 Help with meditation and prayer

 Helps with manifestation

And with many more benefits (depending on the crystal/quartz).

 Thank you from

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