Exure™ Condoms - Ribbed, Flavored, Natural - 3 Variants - 14 Condoms in each pack.

**Product Description:**


"If you seek reliable condoms, Exure™ is the perfect choice. Our condoms ensure sustained, discreet pleasure for both partners while offering safety and reliability."

*Variants and Features:*

"Exure™ Condoms Key Features and Benefits:

- Choose from 3 Variants (Ribbed, Flavored, Natural) and 3 Different Pack Sizes for more options than other sellers.

- Individually foil-wrapped with lot code, manufacturing, and expiry date.

- Complies with all UK regulations, including CE approval, ensuring your safety and confidence.

- Minimum 15-month expiry date for added reliability."

*Why Choose Us:*

"Why Exure™ Condoms:

- Over one million packs sold across the UK.

- Compliance with UK and EU legislation for safety and trust.

- Stringent quality checks on each batch.

- Long expiry dates, typically more than 15 months."

"Product Details:

- Fully UK Compliant (CE0123) and 100% Electronically tested.

- Lightly lubricated for enhanced comfort.

- Long expiry dates for your convenience."


  • Flavoured - Extra Fun: Contains Fruity Flavored Condoms.
  • Natural: Contains Plain Condoms.
  • Ribbed - Extra Sensation: Contains Lightly Ribbed Condoms."

*Optimisation Tips:*

- Use relevant keywords like "reliable condoms," "Exure™ condoms," and "sustained pleasure" strategically throughout the description.

- Avoid keyword stuffing; use keywords naturally and contextually.

- Consider adding bullet points for easy readability.

- Provide accurate information on shipping, returns, and pricing.

- Encourage customers to leave reviews.

- Regularly update your listing to reflect changes in stock availability, pricing, or any new variants.

*Important Note:*

It's crucial for customers to be aware that the product's color may vary due to manufacturing processes or material differences. This disclaimer manages customer expectations regarding potential color variations.

*Choose from 14 to 140 for the perfect fit.*