For sale, this is something of an oddity to say the least.  When I first acquired it I wasn't sure exactly what it was, but having taken the case off, photographed the insides and sought advice elsewhere it seems to be some kind of custom-built power supply?  What exactly this was made with the intention of powering may forever be lost in the midsts of time, but what is clear is that some degree of effort went into it.  A rather stylish outer-case was used, presumably repurposed from something else (again I'm not sure exactly what.)  Also the components used are - I'm told - of quite a high quality.  I'm not sure what exactly you would use this for these days (although the tranformer has multiple taps which would allow some scope for different applications) but it would certainly be a conversation piece amongst collectors of vintage gear I'm sure.

I can't stress highly enough that any attempt to get this working should only be made by someone qualified to do so.  If you're not sure you are then I would strongly advise to stay well away.

As it might also be of interest to a collector of such things, I'll throw in a smaller amplifier of some kind I came across a while back.  Possibly from a reel-to-reel recorder or something like that?  Unlike the main lot this is presumably professionally constructed.  Some of the valves are missing but what's left might have its uses.

The main lot is very heavy (9kg, although it's not particularly large: 12 x 9 x 5 inches) so is collection only from Hereford.