Made to seem like your art is printed on a glass surface, these acrylic art prints never fail to dazzle. Your art is second-surface printed directly on a 1/4" acrylic panel for a stunning result. Each acrylic print comes ready to hang, and floats 1.5" off the wall.

.: Material: Clear acrylic with white vinyl backing
.: Depth of 0.75 inches (1.9cm)
.: Image appears embedded in glass
.: Second-surface printing directly on ¼” Acrylic
.: Ready to hang and floats 1.5” off the wall
.: Rounded corners
.: Assembled in the USA from globally sourced parts


We're committed to making you happy. We send your order to production within hours and aim to ship within 4-6 days. You'll get a tracking number with an estimated delivery date as soon as it ships.


Received a damaged or incorrect item? No problem. Contact us within 30 days with photos, and you can choose between a replacement or a refund. We'll cover the cost of return shipping for these specific cases.

For other returns within the first 30 days, items must be in like-new condition. 


We're quick to respond — within 24 hours, usually within minutes. If you encounter any issues, please let us know before leaving feedback. We aim to resolve any concerns to your satisfaction.