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20 American Chestnuts Tree Seeds Hybrid Chinese Edible. This kind of chestnuts are more sweet than the larger one.

This is a stratification pack of 20 Chestnut seeds ready for immediate shipment.  ALL OF THE STRATFICATION PREP WORK HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU!  (Chestnuts have to be cold stratified in order to reliably sprout and grow into trees). Once delivered, you just have to put them in the fridge and keep them moist until spring potting or planting.

These seeds were floated to ensure viability, packed in a soil-less mixture, and placed in climate control at 35-39 degrees for the stratification process.  These vented gallon bags of 20 nuts simply need to be put in your refrigerator and kept moist. By March they will have sprouted and will be ready for potting (or planting as long as the threat of frost has past for your area).  Instructions for potting and/or planting will be included with the shipment.  

**NOTE** Sprouting success is very high for this method, but there is no guarantee that ALL 30 nuts will sprout, sometimes a few can go bad during stratification (they'll turn moldy and you simply remove and discard them). 

Dunstan chestnuts are strong 15/16th american x chinese chestnut hybrids (Castanea dentata x mollissima), fast-growing trees that often produce nuts in 3-5 years. Best planted in groups of 5 (for pollination and nut production) with 25' spacing.  These are TOUGH, well-adapted trees for USDA zones 5-8 (map pictured).  I recommend tubing and/or caging them to reduce deer browse and damage from rubbing.

Caring for Chestnut Trees: Nurturing Natural Elegance

To ensure the health and vitality of your Chestnut Tree, consider the following care guidelines:

    Sunlight: Plant Chestnut Trees in a location that receives full sunlight. These trees thrive in well-lit environments and require at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.

    Soil: Provide well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH.Chestnut Trees are adaptable to various soil types but prefer soil that is not excessively wet.

    Watering: While young trees need regular watering to establish their root systems, mature Chestnut Trees are relatively drought-tolerant. Water deeply during dry periods, allowing the soil to dry out between watering.

    Pruning: Minimal pruning is generally required for Chestnut Trees. Remove dead or diseased branches as needed, and shape the tree if desired. Be cautious with pruning in spring to avoid bleeding.

    Fertilization: Chestnut Trees typically do not require heavy fertilization. A balanced fertilizer applied in early spring can provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.

    Protection from Pests: Keep an eye out for common pests such as aphids or leaf miners. Use appropriate pest control measures if infestations occur, opting for environmentally friendly solutions.

Unlocking Potential with Horse Chestnut Seeds: A Gardener's Delight

Discover the potential within Chestnut seeds by incorporating them into your gardening endeavors. Cultivating Chestnut Trees from seed allows you to actively engage with the life cycle of these magnificent trees, from germination to the flourishing canopy that graces your outdoor space.

Germination Procedure: To germinate Chestnut seeds, soak the nuts in water for 24 hours to soften their outer shells. Next, plant the soaked seeds in a well-draining potting mix, ensuring they are covered with a layer of soil. Keep the soil consistently moist and maintain a warm environment, ideally around 70°F (21°C). Germination can take several weeks, and once the seedlings have developed, they can be transplanted into larger containers or directly into the garden.