KARAMBIT VOLUME 1 DVD: This First in the series shows the Forward, Reverse & Extended Grips, 9 Striking Angles, Arm Grab (what to do id someone grabs your weapon hand), Targets to Attack, Blocking with the Karambit, Passing & Scooping, Entries (Closing in to finish the opponent), 2 & 3 Count Pattern Drills and the 1st Template for practicing attack points.

KARAMBIT VOLUME 2 DVD: This DVD starts with the continuation of the Striking Template then shows a 3 count Sumbrada (counter for counter) drill to enhance your reflexes and flow. The rest of the video is Combatives against the Jab & the Hook, learning to deal with Obstructions and finally against the Dagger. Defense and Disarms against the Knife and multiple follow up attacks.

KARAMBIT VOLUME 3 DVD: This DVD starts with 2, 3 & 5 count Sumbrada drills. These will help to improve your timing, speed & reflexes. We then move into the Combative applications, all of the techniques shown for the rest of the video are against the Blade. You will learn to deal with multiple angles of attack including the angles #1, 2, 3, 5 & 8 featuring many disarms and counterattacks.

KARAMBIT VOLUME 4 DVD: This DVD finishes up this series with 20 different combat techniques dealing with the Jab punch, Hook punch, Knife and Takedowns. These techniques are a bit more advanced and complex than previously shown.


US = $10.00