Natural  rainbow  Maekhong River Stone Naga Egg

Talisman Magic Gem Jewelry Thai Buddha Amulet

Stunning  reiki healing amulet .

Product Description

Big 7 ocean stone
very good for meditate + increase energy .

 color : Rainbow

Big size 5 cm

weight  170 Grams

 SKU 70

Maekhong River Stone Naga Egg Talisman Magic Gem Jewelry Thai Buddha Amulet

NAGA EGG or 7 ocean STONE from Maekhong River




                Amulet :  Maekhong River Stone Naga Egg Ball round shape

                Temple :  Thailand

                Material :  crystal stone .


                Condition : good condition


100 % REAL Natural Stone Very RARE !! Psychic element



Maekhong River



What do we have to do before we wear the amulets?
Before wearing amulets, please do this way :
- Make your mind calm, think of all your goodness you have done, and  focus all your faith to the Buddha
- Put your amulets onto your hands, join your hands together
- Breathe in deeply and slowly
-Then chant 3 times of this initial Mantra:


    The chanting verse means we are now praying respect to the Lord Buddha who has done the great goodness. Then request with your own language for his help, say "I, a humble one, invite the Lord Buddha and Luang Phor..... [name(s)] to sit on my head to protect me all day long and bring me a good luck, a victory, and a fulfilment of all my wishes."

Then say " BudDhang PraSitThiMae DhamMang PraSitThiMae Sangkhang PraSitThiMae." 

    The meaning of this Mantra is-may Lord Buddha, Dhamma and Sangkha or Triple Gems bless all my request
successful. And then wear the chain of amulets onto your neck or keep in pocket . 



     Power : Life protection, Avoid from danger, Wealth, Prevent Dark Magic and Evil Spirits,  Attraction money and lucky, Danger Obstacle cease, Give metta merciful, Triumphantly, Harm proof, Weapon proof, Loving Kindness, Change Bad Luck to Good Luck, Bring Lucky and Happiness, Wishes be Fulfilled, Bring Prosper to Business, Invulnerable, Successful, Good Trade, Halo, Powerful.


Guaranty genuine amulet.


and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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We are expert collector and trader buddha amulets , antiques , Talismans items from Thailand & Southeast Asia.
We open amulet store in Thailand too.


All of our Amulets are 100 % Satisfaction guarantee and either straight from the temple or from very reliable sources including dealers and collectors
around Thailand with whom we are afilliated.

You can trust that the items are Rare, Sacred, Genuine and beautiful Items.