Lek Lai is a Sacred Kaya Siddhi Adamantine Substance which has been the source of Legend – attributed with Miraculous Powers, the Lek Lai is an Extremely Rare and Mysterious Substance that is able to perform seemingly unexplainable feats, such as multiplying, disappearing and reappearing, growing, stopping projectile weapons from functioning..



Product Description

Ganesh Elephant God Figure Mini Statue .

Blue Leklai Talisman Om Hindu Deity Thai Amulet.

Size :  1.5*2.5  cm
weight  15 Grams .

Ganesha is the God of success and overcoming obstacles, but is also associated with wisdom, learning, prudence, and power. As the god of success, his names are chanted at the start of any important venture. As the remover of obstacles, he is invoked at the start of every journey, marriage, religious rite, house construction, the writing of a book or even a letter.

There are two myths about his birth and how he came to posses the head of an elephant. One myth relates that his mother, Parvati, had to go for her bath when her husband, Shiva, was not at home. As Shiva had gone on a meditation retreat and was not expected to return, Parvati ordered Ganesha to keep guard and not let anyone inside the room. But after a while Shiva arrived and when he tried to enter, the child refused to let him do so. This angered Shiva, who cut off the child’s head.

In order to make up for his mistake, Shiva promised Parvati that if she places the head of any person or thing which crosses her path early the next day, the child would come back to life. The first person or thing that passed by them was the mighty elephant. Shiva cut off its head and placed it on the torso of the beheaded child.

Another version says that Parvati was blessed with a beautiful son, and all the Gods assembled to see and admire the son of Shiva and Parvati. They all gazed at the child except Shani, because he was under a curse, which caused any being he looked at to be burnt to ashes. Parvati insisted that Shani also look at and admired her son.

But no sooner had he done so than Ganesha’s head was burnt to ashes. Parvati cursed Shani for having killed her son, but Brahma intervened, and comfortingly told her that if the first available head were planted on her son’s shoulders, he would be alive again. So Vishnu set forth on Garuda and the first creature he found was an elephant sleeping beside a river. He cut off its head and this was fixed on Ganesha’s body.

According to legends Ganesha is a great scribe and learned in religious lore and scriptures. Hence, Ganesha is often depicted with only one tusk, since it is believed that he broke off the other so that he could inscribe the Mahabharata, which was dictated by to him the seer Vyasa.

Rare version .

Psychic element Leklai




Material : Natural Lek Lai MEKASIT BLUE COLOR -Psychic element

Leklai from Laos buffalo moutain .



Mekasit ( blue leklai from Laos moutain) - Psychic element is a result of the metal alchemist.

Mercury is a primary mass scale mix with many minerals.Then use black magic to transform and change into the sacred.


Lek Lai Kot Pee or Mek Sit Chao Blue.

The same mineral as the Lek Lai family. Summoned from Buffalo Mountain in the Lao People's Democratic Republic to the neighborhood. Commemorative ceremonies were held from Laos. People believe that peace is happiness, protecting it from all dangers.
Any house with a facade will find happiness and prosperity.

According to ancient literature, this mineral can protect houses and families, as well as families.
 the Blue Prince is the king of money, sucking money.

Leklai 7 color" is leklai e xcellent Supernatural power, and very competent .  Add ascendancy. Suitable for leaders,  and Businessmen to ruled many people.



AMULET Great Power Victory Protections, Prevent Harm.
Great charm.Bring Bring Lucky and Fortune , Property Very rich wealthy,
Bring Prosper to Business ability, Very profitable trade.
Pray for blessings to be a good thing. You must have faith And inspiration.
MAKE A WISH. Only success will come to you


Number of Amulets Made Very few


Put your amulet onto your palm and press both hands together in a praying position and recite this verse 3 times

“Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma-Sambuddhassa”

before you begin chanting the Katha


Bucha method when Inviting Lek Lai into the Home  

Light 12 Incense sticks, and inform the Local Deities and Ghosts about your intentions, and ask their blessing and to protect the household. Bai Sri cones, or, if not available, flower offerings. Honey offerings (one small glass can be placed to the side of the Lek Lai, you don't have to immerse the Lek Lai in the honey). Perform Bucha Ceremonial Offerings every Full Moon, and lay the Lek Lai out to bathe in the Moonlight, to increase the power of the Lek Lai, and then feed it honey.


(Kata for asking the Lek Lai to allow you to take it and wear it with you

Na Mo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa (3 times)

•  Puttang Aaraatanaanang Tammang Aaraatanaanang Sangkang Aaraatanaanang

•  Na Mo Puttaaya Na Ma Pa Ta Ja Pa Ga Sa Na I A Ta A Na I – Idtipiso Pakawaa Ji Bi Sae Dti Jijeruni Ma A U


Then make your prayer, or wish.


and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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We are expert collector and trader buddha amulets , antiques , Talismans items from Thailand & Southeast Asia.
We open amulet store in Thailand too.


All of our Amulets are 100 % Satisfaction guarantee and either straight from the temple or from very reliable sources including dealers and collectors
around Thailand with whom we are afilliated.

You can trust that the items are Rare, Sacred, Genuine and beautiful Items.