New Book, Polish edition

Angelo Inferno has lived in Florence since birth, is the curator of the Uffizi Gallery and is still looking for a girl with a birthmark on her arm. His brother, Dante, is the owner of a fashionable Florentine club and the silent boss of a mafia organization. But in fact, it is only appearances, because both men cleverly camouflage their true origins and presence among... people. When a Polish woman, Joanna Medyńska, appears at the Uffizi and bumps into a handsome, dark-haired Italian, she sets the wheels of fate in motion. Joanna-Giovanna, Angelo and Dante meet again, and the story from five centuries ago comes full circle. Forbidden feelings, a love triangle, dark but beautiful streets of Florence, legends, historical events, Medici, demons and... devils. Agnieszka Lingas-Łoniewska in a new dark, sexy and demonic version. Let yourself be carried away by the devil's intrigue. Inferno awaits!

The above description comes from the publisher.

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