New old stock- please see photos for specific requirements to use. You will need some thing with the sound card and a microphone is recommended.

This CD-ROM from TOPICS Entertainment is designed to help children aged 6-12 years old learn Spanish, French, German, and Italian. It contains interactive language courses in an easy-to-use format for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, and OSX (v10.4.x).

The CD comes in a small retail box and is categorized under Computers/Tablets & Networking, Software, and Education, Language, Reference. It is rated E for Everyone and has a License Category of Standard. The language courses are in English, French, German, and Italian, with a release year of 2008. This CD is perfect for parents who want to provide their children with a fun and interactive way to learn a foreign language without having to worry about the condition of the item.