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LexisNexis Practice Guide: Connecticut Contract Litigation, authored by David T. Martin, a Principal in

Cummings & Lockwood’s Litigation Group and based in Stamford, Connecticut, is a practice-oriented resource that

has streamlined chapter organization with cross-references to relevant content, practice tips icons classified by

type, and the essential forms for the Connecticut commercial litigation attorney.

LexisNexis Practice Guide: Connecticut Contract Litigation is a comprehensive research system - a task-

based format, thorough yet concise content, citable expert insight, annual updating, a superior print/online

interface and so much more.


Chapter 1 - Determining Applicable Law

Chapter 2 - Establishing the Elements and Pleading the Case

Chapter 3 - Interpreting and Construing Contracts in Connecticut

Chapter 4 - Attacking and Defending Against the Existence of a Contract in Connecticut

Chapter 5 - [Reserved]

Chapter 6 - Determining What Causes of Action Exist

Chapter 7 - Effecting Modification and Waiver

Chapter 8 - Understanding Equitable Remedies

Chapter 9 - Using or Opposing Provisional Remedies in Contract Actions

Chapter 10 - Seeking or Opposing Declaratory Relief

Chapter 11 - [Reserved]

Chapter 12 - Understanding Contracts or Provisions That Violate Connecticut Statutes or Public Policy

Chapter 13 - Understanding Article 2 (Sales) of the Uniform Commercial Code

Appendix to Chapter 13 Conn. Gen. Stat. Title 42a, Art. 2 Note

Chapter 14 - [Reserved]

Chapter 15 - Nondisclosure Agreements under Connecticut Law

Chapter 16 - Suing or Defending Action for Breach of Contract

Chapter 17 - [Reserved]

Chapter 18 - Allocating Damages for Breach of Contract

Chapter 19 - [Reserved]

Chapter 20 - Recovering Attorney Fees under Connecticut Law

Chapter 21 - Understanding Quasi-Contract

Chapter 22 - Litigating Breach of Contract Cases in Connecticut: Types, Tactics and Strategies

Chapter 23 - Online Contracts