Afghan Turkmen hand-knotted rugs are exquisite pieces of art that add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any living room. These rugs are made by skilled artisans who have been weaving intricate designs for generations. Each rug is unique, with its own distinct pattern and color scheme that tells a story of Afghan culture and tradition.

Hand-knotted rugs are made by hand-tying each individual knot to a warp thread. This process is time-consuming and requires a great deal of skill and patience, but the end result is a rug that will last for generations. The quality of Afghan Turkmen hand-knotted rugs is unmatched, with the rich colors and intricate designs adding warmth and texture to any room.

Decorative rugs for living rooms are a great way to add style and personality to your space. Whether you choose a bold, colorful rug or a more subtle, neutral design, a rug can tie together all of the elements of a room and make it feel complete. With an Afghan Turkmen hand-knotted rug, you can be sure that you are getting a piece of art that will last a lifetime.

Size: 3'0 x 5'11 ft