For all the space enthusiasts out there, this 1997 Hot Wheels Action Pack JPL SOJOURNER MARS ROVER is a must-have collectible item. With its sleek gray, gold, and white color scheme, this 1:64 scale diecast car is a limited edition special edition that comes with an unopened box. The Mars Rover car also features gray wheels, making it an accurate representation of the real Mars Rover that NASA sent to Mars in 1996.

This Hot Wheels model is based on the Mars Pathfinder mission and is part of the Hot Wheels Action Pack JPL SOJOURNER MARS ROVER series. It's perfect for both boys and girls, and its recommended age range is 5+ years. The package includes a Mars Rover car, a lander, and a Mars Pathfinder model. It's an excellent addition to anyone's collection of diecast and toy vehicles.