Everyone knows that the tiger is a predatory, brave animal that conquers with its appearance. People born in the year of the tiger have a strong character, determination, perseverance. Quite often, a tiger is depicted on souvenirs. A product with this courageous animal will emphasize the purposefulness, individuality and excellent taste of its owner. The sculpture "Year of the Tiger" is made of bronze with the use of noble stones - labradorite and amethyst. The authors of the product are members of the National Union of Artists, talented sculptors brothers Ozyumenko. All products of masters are made in a unique style with a creative approach.



Size: 45 x 28 x 16 cm.

Weight: 12.03 kg.

Materials: bronze, labradorite, jaspilite, gilding, nickel plating, optical lenses, amethysts, toning, kinetics, watch mechanisms.

The tiger has always been a symbol of swiftness in decision-making, lightning-fast reactions and a love of risk. Those born under his sign love to compete, masking their iron will with soft, courteous manners. These are those who know how to stand up for themselves, they are brave and generous. Natural optimism gives all the actions of the Tiger a bright shine of luck. He is an unsurpassed hunter. She loves order in everything, and cannot stand lies and hypocrisy. Those whose talisman is the Tiger are always passionate and active - they love to surround themselves with chic and luxury, they love a well-fed, beautiful life.

The sculptor depicts the Tiger at the moment of Triumph! In an energetic movement with his clawed paw, he rests on a beautiful ball, symbolizing the earthly sphere, and in his right paw he clutches a double-edged sword, as a symbol of the Power of the conqueror and guardian of his territory. The helmet on his head is crowned with a golden laurel branch of the winner. The armor shines with gold and nickel. The mechanical wing on the dorsal plate, shining with nickel edges, is straightened, giving the whole composition indomitable energy. Powerful muscles and veins are tense, revealing the beautiful figure of a striped predator.

He walks along a mechanical, inlaid with clock mechanisms and optical lenses, a kinetic pedestal framed by cubic rocks reminiscent of pyrite crystals, the gold bars of which seem to float in the air. A masterpiece and unique author's composition, its modern solution and execution, noble materials of gold, bronze, amethysts, nickel, mechanisms, optical lenses, labradorite, jaspilite and of course the sparkle of the eyes of a grinning tiger will not leave anyone indifferent.

An ideal sculpture for the home of a successful person, like the Tiger, who loves all the best and perfect.