You will receive the nicest of two or more, not necessarily the imaged coin. 

The date is worth a premium for the low 600 mintage. 

$3,840 APR in 2023 for PR60 Details with obviously fake toning (click the third image). Staggering $4,500+ for damaged PR60 Details at huge PNG dealer. It somehow has 10 watchers (fourth image).

$3,850 PCGS Price Guide as of this posting. 

Tiny 600 mintage, among the lowest productions of all proof silver dollars ever minted (1794 to today). Many tallied in the population reports are resubmissions or crossovers of the same coins. 

Member of prestigious CDN Exchange (aka Greysheet aka Coinplex) since 2011 and its third highest bidder in dollar volume. Fewer than 300 members worldwide. Click our username to see our other credentials at the top of our homepage.

▶NOTE: Five day return privilege. 
You will receive the nicest of two or more, not necessarily the imaged coin.