Features and Benefits: 1,000+ cuts: MetalMax delivers 1,000 or more cuts with no need for wheel changes. That is 30 times longer life than thin bonded cut-off wheels.* Average performance for 4.5" inch wheel in 1" carbon steel square tube vs thin bonded abrasive cut-off wheels; -Long Life: Advanced diamond technology provides extreme durability in metal cutting applications, leading to increased productivity, reduced downtime, and a lower cost per cut compared to thin bonded cut-off wheels; Diameter retention: because LENOX MetalMax is made with diamonds, it doesn't get smaller. The cutting depth stays the same throughout its life, meaning better control, reach and precision; -Less dust residue: with LENOX MetalMax there is less odor and dust residue as the wheel does not wear down like bonded abrasives. Sparks originate only from the material being cut; One wheel, multiple materials: MetalMax is recommended for multiple types of metal including steel, sheet metal, stainless steel, rebar, cast iron, aluminum* and non-ferrous metals.*When cutting aluminum, it is recommended to apply cutting wax or other type of saw lubricant to avoid chip welding;