This is a truly top-notch synthetic shaving brush! It has a white handle with cream-colored faux wood-grain, (you can see it if you zoom in on pictures 2,3 & 5).

I loaded it with a top-of-the-line 24mm G5C fan-style knot. It has super-soft tips, backbone and water retention more like Silvertip Badger hair than most all other synthetic knots. It’s fan shape also allows for a minimal glue bump.

It loads soap and whips up a luxurious lather far quicker than all but a few synthetic knots, plus it’s fan shape easily paints the lather on. Since it’s tips are so soft, I set the loft at 52mm for lots of scrub all while providing years of reliable service! This little beast definitely punches above its class, give it a try, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with its performance!

This would make an excellent vegan brush, beginners brush, travel brush or a daily driver. This little brush will give a Silvertip Badger brush a serious run for its money, while simultaneously being easier to care for, it’s loaded with a super-soft yet scrubby low-maintenance knot that dries quickly, doesn’t require any break-in time, along with zero badger or boar-hair stink to deal with!

It also comes with a plastic spice jar that makes a top-notch travel case! Once your brush is cleaned off and you have the excess water worked out of the knot, place it in the spice jar, then flip up the little doors so it can finish drying. Once the knot is dry, close the doors to keep it clean, dust-free and protected! (This brush also fits the Qshave brush case if you’re looking for a more compact travel option).

Hand-assembled in the Heartland of the USA, by the People for the People, support American businesses, it benefits us all!


Brush Height -

Knot - Japanese 24mm Gen 5 Synthetic Knot

Loft - 52mm

Handle Height -

Handle Diameter -

Brush Weight -

Knot Properties:

Softness - 95%

Backbone - 85%

Splay - 40%

Scrub - 25%