Trauma 2020 #1
Trauma 2020: A Brutal Insight Into The Future - Urban Prey
By Peter Beere
Illustrated by Peter Elson

Beekay isn't exactly a hero. But it's the year 2020 and like fifteen million others, he's short of cash. So Beekay sets out to do a bit of smuggling with his Uncle Franklyn.

Nothing goes right for Beekay. First the Pox dogs chew him up - then the army calls him up.

He doesn't fancy getting gassed in one of Europe's endless wars. But that means evading Homer, a seven-foot albino psychopath sent after him by the military...
Enter Tommy and Moose, who can offer Beekay a safe passage to America - provided he kills a very important policeman first...

Urban Prey depicts a future so chaotic and grim, you won't want to live long enough to get there.