Femibion ​​1 with metafolin meets the specific needs of women in the reproductive period, from the moment of planning to the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy. Femibion ​​contains folic acid, metafolin - an active form of folic acid that the body can use immediately, 9 essential vitamins and iodine. It is recommended for women who are planning a pregnancy as well as pregnant women until the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy. Folic acid (vitamin B9), ie. its active form is necessary for the proper development of the fetus. Folates, active forms of folic acid, are provided by the body from foods (spinach, broccoli, orange juice, etc.). However, the recommended daily intake of folate of 400 mcg cannot be provided solely through diet (average intake is about 50%.) During pregnancy, the need for folate increases. form, methylfolate (Metafolin). Every other woman cannot completely convert folic acid into an active form. Operation: Preventing irregularities in the formation of the neural tube + reducing the risk of congenital heart defects Reducing the risk of congenital deformities of the urogenital system by reducing the number of miscarriages Iodine deficiency during pregnancy is one of the causes of mental retardation and cerebral palsy Vitamin BI2 - is necessary for optimal folate action. Vitamins B, B2, B6, C, E - maintain a healthy pregnancy and proper fetal development. Warning: Use in case of hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism is not recommended! Method of application: 1 tablet daily with water
Dry extract of rhizome of pyrethrum (Agropyron repens) ..... 100 mg
Dry extract of herbaceous herb (Equisetum arvense) ..... 100 mg
Potassium ..... 300 mg
Magnesium ..... 112.5 mg
Chlorides ...... 285.4 mg