Flash Gordon - Original Radio Broadcasts      Vinyl LP Record  

Manufactured by: Mark 56 Records 

Produced by: George Garabedian   

Cover art by: Alex Raymond  


Now Mark 56 Records - 609 presents "Flash Gordon - Original Radio Broadcasts". Features a 12" 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Record came with only a record and a sleeve - no comic.   


Warning the audio on these records and tapes are not in the best condition so there might be static, popping, skipping or other kind of sound problem so I hope you enjoy.  



In “Adventure No. 1”, For the benefit of those who may not have heard the earlier episode here is the story to date. Flash Gordon internationally famous American athlete his beautiful American sweetheart Dale Arden and Dr Zarkov a great scientist left the earth on a rocket ship they crashed on the planet Mongol and were captured by Ming The Merciless the cruel emperor of Mongol who commanded Dale Arden to marry him an order that Flash be killed. But Flash escaped through the help of Emperor Ming's beautiful daughter Aura who fell deeply in love with him and proposed marriage, this Flash refused saying he loved Dale Arden. Flash then met soon the powerful huge, bearded prince of the lion men and Prince Baron a former member of Emperor Ming's court joined by Dr Zarkov. These four friends plotted to overthrow the government of Emperor Ming and rescue Dale Arden, they were almost successful but at the last moment with victory practically within their grasp were recaptured by Emperor Mings soldiers. And the four friends together with Dale Arden were condemned to a fate far worse than death, securely bound, they were placed on a gyroship and sent as slaves to the prison city of Hawkmen.  


Now we continue the story... the prison ship carrying our friends roars through the stratosphere on the way to the prison city of the Hawkmen. Later, in the cell room, Flash and Prince Thune worked feverishly on each other's bonds... they escape and get control of the ship. On the planet surface, they work to salvage the ship, when from the skies, flying Hawkmen appear and carry off Dr.Zarkov and Prince Thune to a floating city. While considering how to rescue Dr. Zarkov and Prince Thune, Flash, Dale, and Prince Baron are surprised by the arrival of Princess Aura in a rocketship. Princess Aura gives Flash an ultimatum... marry her or he and all his friends will die. Flash chooses Dale and death. Princess Aura rockets away to help the Hawkmen capture Flash, Dale, and Prince Baron. They are brought before King Voltan. Flash and Prince Baron are taken away to be tortured. Dale stays with King Voltan to be married. Dr. Zarkov, Prince Thune, Flash, and Prince Baron escape. Flash finds Dale just in time to save her. He battles Voltan and defeats him. Flash and Dale retreat to Voltan’s quarters where they are surprised and captured by Voltan. All of the sudden the lights go out and the floor gives way... and Flash tries to save Dale. 


Finally, in “Adventure No. 2”, Last week Dr Zarkov, after freeing Dale and Khan, captured the cooks and guards in the kitchens of Queen Azura and also took prisoner Tal her chief magician. From Tall, Zarkov learned that Flash was being drugged by lithium in his wine. When Azura called for more wine Dale warned Flash that his wine was drugged. Flash, his suspicions aroused, asked Azura to drink his potion and when she refused, he forced her to swallow the drugged wine which had been served to him. Immediately the wicked witch queen lost her memory and was unable to remember who she was. In the meantime, Zarkov had learned from Tall, what chemical would serve as an antidote for the lithium. He hurried to Flash with a prescribed amount, which unless Flash had been drugged for too long a time ought to bring back his memory. And both Zarkov and Dale urged flash to drink the lithium antidote and see what effect it would have.  


Now we continue the story... Flash drinks the antidote and immediately remembers Zarkov and Dale. Flash inquires about their location and Zarkov replies, “We are in the palace of Azura Queen of the Blue Magic Men.”, and goes on to explain past events. Then Dale chastises Flash about him mistreating her while he was drugged. Zarkov goes on to tell Flash to seize Azura’s kingdom. So Flash approaches the drugged Queen Azura and tells her that he is the king, but needs her to rule for him. Flash tells her to call out the city’s army. Meanwhile, Dale continues to whine about her mistreatment from Flash, while he was drugged, so he reassures her of his intense love for her. But Dale still remains jealous of Queen Azura’s affection for Flash. They leave to review the army from a high balcony. Flash and Zarkov are impressed by the size of the army as they march. Elsewhere, General Tal hears of the news of the army review and becomes indignant. General Tal plots to kill Flash. Right as General Tal is about to strike, Dale warns Flash and he defeats General Tal by throwing him over a ledge. General Tal survives the fall, and Zarkov urges Flash to rush down and kill him once and for all. Will General Tal die, or will he recover and continue plotting to free his Queen Azura and keep the Blue Magic land from being ruled by Flash Gordon? 


Vinyl LP Record will be carefully / securely packaged then shipped via USPS Priority Mail to ensure that it arrives to you perfectly and quickly.  


Publisher / Manufacturer: Mark 56 Records - 609  

Publication Date: 1973  

Format: 12" 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Record, 12.25" x 12.25"  

UPC: None Stated  


Collectible Entertainment note: Vinyl LP Record is in Used conditionOverall... NicePlease See Scans!!  A must have for any serious Flash Gordon enthusiast and/or collectorA very fun & entertaining readRecommended.  


Please read return policy. 


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