Munchener / Münchener Neue-Secession XIV. Ausstellung, München. Glaspalast (Westflügel) Eingang Lenbachplatz und Sofienstrasse, 1928

Author: Caspar, Karl, Julius Hess, Max Unold, Hans R. Lichtenberger, Kurt Gayer, et al.
Title: Munchener / Münchener Neue-Secession XIV. Ausstellung, München. Glaspalast (Westflügel) Eingang Lenbachplatz und Sofienstrasse, 1928
Publication: Munich: Dr. C. Wolf & Wohn, 1928
Edition: First printing

Description: Paperback. First printing, 12mo (6 x 4.5 inches), bound in handsome yellow wraps with woodcut of three men on cover, printed on coated art-paper, 40 pp. text, an equal number of b/w plates, several pages of advertisements. Very good, has signature on front cover of Churchill Lathrop, July, 1928 (he was a distinguished professor of art history at Dartmouth, after whom a gallery at the Hood Museum is named and who is the founder of the Sherman Library of Art History at Dartmouth). This Secessionist catalogue features the work of the Munich secession and of Kirchner, Peckstein, and many other notables. Very Good.

Seller ID: C00003080

Subject: Art, History

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