Superman versus The Terminator: Death to the Future      Comics Lot 

Writer: Alan Grant 

Artist: Steve Pugh 

Inker: Mike Perkins 

Letterer: Clem Robins 

Colorist: David Stewart 

Editors: Philip D. Amara & Eddie Berganza 

Designer: Jeremy Perkins 

All Covers by: Steve Pugh 


Superman: he can bend steel, leap tall buildings, and is faster than speeding bullets...but can he save the future?!  The sentient computer known as Skynet has been sending Terminators into our present to find and destroy a boy named John Connor. Not just any boy, he will grow to lead a resistance force against a massive robot army that has brought mankind to the brink of extinction. Now the Terminators are hunting for young Connor in Metropolis. But Skynet didn't plan on the Man of Steel coming to the rescue...or did itAs the battle to save mankind rages in the Metropolis of the present and the future, will the combined might of Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, and Steel be enough to stop the deadly killing machines -- and their new ally, the Cyborg-Superman -- from terminating John Connor? And will Lex Luthor lend a helping hand...or does he have something more sinister in mind for the Terminators? The ultimate battle for the future ends here -- and the results will shock you!   



In issue #1, In the present day, Sarah Connor and John Connor, who have been fleeing from time-traveling Terminators for years, come upon the city of Metropolis. Unfortunately, they have no escape from their deadly assassins. A Terminator emerges from a time portal in a toy store, where the Connors are, and attacks them on sight. The Connors run inside a camping store, the Terminator coming after them, stopping anyone in his path. Behind the shop counter, Sarah Connor loads up a flare gun and fires at the Terminator in the stomach, which he responds by tearing away the damaged flesh on his face to reveal his mechanical appearance. The havoc created soon draws Superman's attention, and with a quick telescopic look into the situation, he speeds into the camping shop. The Terminator's sensors pick up on the incoming threat, but it's all too late as Superman smashes him through the wall and out into the open. More flesh is torn away to reveal the Terminator's robotic hand. As Superman begins to question him, the Terminator shoots him in the face with his laser eye and follows it up with a quick punch. While Superman is recovering, the Terminator rips up a fire hydrant and smashes it across Superman's face. Superman retaliates by taking off the android's head with one punch. Superman goes to check on the Connors the machine was attacking, and get some answers, but they are gone, not that it takes Superman long to find them. When he asks for answers to what is going on, but Sarah Connor tries to escape with her son. Superman scoops them up and flies them away to the top of a new skyscrapper that is being constructed. They'll be safe here, with him to protect them. John Connor seems impressed. Sarah, finally gaining her trusts on Superman, explains everything to him about the future; the Terminators; and how her son will lead the resistance against the machines, hence the reason for the assassination. Superman is a little bit skeptical, but Sarah points out the android he just fought as proof. But the question remains how did the Terminator find the Connors. They had both been travelling under false names. John then admits that he had entered a competition to win a bike, back at the toy shop. Superman states that he will destroy the entry form, but Sarah points out that he doesn't, because that's how they were found. Superman then suggest that maybe he should get Steel in on this this matter. Suddenly, two more Terminators arrive.  

Elsewhere, the Cyborg Superman studies the remains of the Terminator's head. He must contact these people in the future, that built this machine. Connecting himself to it, he quickly feeds in all the data he knows about Superman. Back at the construction site, the two Terminators seems to recognize Superman before starting to attack him. They shoot out the floor below Superman, and send him falling down. With him out of the way, they can deal with the Connors more easily. Sarah and her son climb into the cabin of one of the construction cranes, while Superman uses his heat-vision to make the crane's counterweight fall towards the Terminators. However, the Terminators easily avoid this. Needing a more effective way to get rid of Superman, the Terminators start throwing debris at the people below. Forcing Superman to save them. As the Terminators get closer, Sarah swings the crane around and smashes off the arm of one of the Terminators. Having caught all the debris Superman returns, grabbing a bucket as he flies. Emptying the contents into his mouth, he uses his super-breath to spit rivets which tear the androids apart. John is glad it's all over, especially with Superman to protect himself and his mother. But the Man of Steel is concerned over the fact the Terminators know about him. Having planted a high frequency transmitter into the android skull, The Cyborg forces it under the cowl of a statue of an angel of an unkempt graveyard. Back at the construction site, Superman takes the Connors to somewhere safer. Once there, a whirling vortex opens, as lightening lashes down and Superman begins to fade away. He tries to use his powers but it's no good. Before he disappears, Superman tells them to call a number and fires off his heat-vision. When he's gone, all that remains is "Lois Lane 5559207" burned into a steel girder. Superman finds himself kneeling naked on a platform, with a group of men looking at him, mistaken him for a Terminator and start to shoot him. But a man steps forwards and prevent them from doing so. He knows Superman, for he is Steel and informs the hero that he is in 2032. 


Next in issue #2, It's Metropolis 2032 and a wrinkled, grey bearded Steel gives Superman the American flag to cover up his naked self. Steel explains that when they brought Superman into the future, they were actually trying to bring back an advanced Terminator. To do that they had to take over Skynet's time displacement facility, which is where they are. Skynet doesn't know they are even there because Steel has rigged the computer to send back false information. Superman is introduced to John Connor, now a grown man. Steel begins to explain that he always wondered why Superman disappeared in 2000. Superman wonders if that means he doesn't go back. The two friends fly out through the night sky and look at the remains of the devastated Metropolis. Steel explains that not many heroes survived Skynet's take-over. Soon the pair arrive outside the remains of the Daily Planet building. Suddenly a net is thrown over them, and cannibals attack them. Superman soon rips the net open, and Steel frightens the men off. They climb inside the Planet and Steel gives Superman one of his old costumes. He had kept it as a symbol of hope. Back in the past, Lois Lane meets up with the Connors in a bistro. Sarah has already filled Lois in on the details, and after making some calls, Lois asks after Superman. Lois suggests that they all stay at her apartment, as her husband is away on business. Outside the Terminator, disguising as a policeman, has identified his target. He walks inside the bistro and walks over to the table that Lois and the Connors are seated at. Sarah quickly uses the table as a shield, but it doesn't last long. The Terminator begins to aim at Sarah, when Lois grabs a fire hose and blasts the Terminator with the water from it. Lois is unable to control the hose as the pressure is too strong, and the Terminator shoots the water supply out. As the Terminator begins to move in for the kill, the window is smashed open and Supergirl flies in. A brief struggle and a telekinetic blast put down the android. Elsewhere, the Cyborg Superman meets with a Terminator himself, though this one is blonde and female. The pair team up. Wave after wave of Terminator will be sent back, leaving the female Terminator and The Cyborg open to strike. They mount up on their motorcycles and speed off. Back in the future, Superman, Steel and the resistance all attack a Skynet Terminator production factory. It is well protected but they get inside, with the possible intention of capturing it and can use it themselves. Back in the past, the Terminator is defeated, but John has disappeared. As the three women walk outside the bistro, they are attacked by yet another Terminator and it's after Supergirl. Her flame wings appear, Supergirl grabs the android and flies him up high above the streets and then drops him as he smashes on the floor below. In 2032, as the heroes and resistance get inside, they meet up with a giant robot. He is the living embodiment of Skynet power: Sky-1 and he's been waiting for them. As Steel goes in to attack, he is zapped and left a heap on the floor. Superman suffers similar treatment. As much as he tries, Superman cannot defeat Sky-1 so he attacks the machines around it instead. Unfortunately, Sky-1 releases its ultimate weapon: Kryptonite. 


Next in issue #3, Superman and Steel have been captured in 2032 by Sky-1, the living embodiment of Skynet. Sky-1 is busy downloading all the data from their brains so that it can use it to utterly destroy humanity, what it calls the "Omega Point". In Metropolis, year 2000, Supergirl is busy fighting Terminators. They now have arrays that enable them to fly, and each time she defeats them, more turn up and they get harder to defeat. As Supergirl begins to get a little overwhelmed, Superboy arrives on the scene and the two soon finish off the Terminators. Supergirl fills Superboy in on the situation. The Terminators were after John Connor, now they are after her, and Superman has disappeared. Five more Terminators arrive. The Cyborg Superman and the female SuperTerminator watch the battle for a while and disappear off to find John Connor. Back in 2032, Steel manages to get the gag free from his mouth, and then uses voice commands to get his hammer to break him free. Freeing Superman, the pair begin to flee when Sky-1 returns and blasts them with the synthetic Kryptonite. Steel places himself between the rock and Superman. Superman uses his heat vision to cut at the Kryptonite, but it's not enough. Once again, Steel's hammer saves the day along with a dose of super-strength. With Sky-1 destroyed, Skynet tells the two heroes that they will never destroy all the machines in the world. Superman suggests that they make their own Omega Point. Sarah Connor and Lois wait by the phone in Lois' apartment, waiting for John to phone. Lois is worrying about someone else who has also gone missing - Superman. The phone rings. By Choke Street Station, John Connor begins to describe to his mother where he is. From out of the subway appears the female SuperTerminator, and using her olfactory system, smells John out. John runs, and finds a cement chute. He waits for the SuperTerminator and The Cyborg to get close enough, and then pulling out the release bar, dumps the cement on the pair of them. Above the skies, Superboy and Supergirl are having their own problems. Supergirl crashes into Lex Luthor' offices and destroys a Terminator just as its about to kill Lex. Supergirl takes the opportunity to ask Lex for his help to defeating the Terminators. Back in the future, Superman flies into the air carrying a bomb. As he throws it, it explodes causing a huge electromagnetic pulse rendering all unprotected machines inert. Superman, Steel, the future John Connor and resistance cells all over the world fight back and enable to win. All over the world people celebrate and then look on at their devastated world. It's not over yet though, as John points out. They don't know how many Terminators were sent back. One could still kill him in the past and it would all start all over again. At a shielded Time Displacement Center, Steel and Superman say their goodbyes and the latter is sent back to the past, but John Connor is still concerned. Superman only saved him once in the past, and that's already happened. 


Finally in issue #4, LexCorp security forces have joined in with the struggle to destroy the never ending battle of Terminator droids coming from the future. However, they have an ulterior motive: Lex Luthor wants one to study. With one of the droids shut down, the security men bring the droid in to be studied. Once safely inside, the droid reactivates itself and begins to attack. The scientist studying it is killed instantly, and then it goes after Lex. Using a remote control, a titanium cylinder falls from the ceiling to capture the Terminator. It begins to punch its way out, so Lex has no choice but to loose his prize. The inside of the cylinder is turned into an inferno until nothing is left of the droid but slag. Elsewhere in the city, Superman returns and soon flies to assist Supergirl and Superboy in their fight. Superman gives a quick explanation of where he has been, while they clean up the last few droids. Superman quickly explains that these droids are only a distraction and that there is a far deadlier one out there looking for John Connor. When Supergirl tells Superman that Lois and Sarah are looking for him, he flies off. The two young heroes are soon kept busy by some more Terminators. Lois and Sarah arrive at the telephone box from where John called but there is no sign of him. Superman arrives and learns from them about John before heading off to find the boy. Cyborg Superman and the SuperTerminator climb out of the cement John coated them in, and are soon onto him due to her good olfactory sensors. The SuperTerminator uses her heat vision to destroy the pipe John is hiding in, and she is just about to finish him off, when Superman arrives to save him, and then challenge the SuperTerminator. Her flesh on her fake arm is torn away as she reveals a malfunctioning weapons array underneath. Superman moves with super-speed and rips the arm off and punches the android. He then uses the arm to batter The Cyborg. However, The Cyborg then merges with the SuperTerminator to make himself more powerful. Elsewhere, Superboy and Supergirl continue to fight the other Terminators. Nearby a helicopter hovers in which is Lex Luthor is on board and arm with a weapon that can fire a virus that will shut down the Terminators; in which he begins to do so. Supergirl thanks Lex for his help, and then snatches the gun from him. As Superman fights on the ground, Superboy and Supergirl begin to clear up the other Terminators with the virus gun. The combined Cyborg/Terminator is certainly stronger, and Superman is having problems. Supergirl zaps the hybrid with the gun, but it only affects the Terminator. The Cyborg separates himself from the Terminator and quickly leaves vowing that Skynet will still be born. Superboy and Supergirl help Superman up. With a quick thanks, Superman explains that their job is not yet over. They scour everywhere looking for every last scrap of Terminator technology. Melting it all into a ball of slag, Superman then throws in into the sun. Returning back to Earth, Superman finds John and takes him to Lois and Clark's apartment to be reunited with his mother. In Lex Tower, Luthor stands alone reading the diary of one Mr. Van Dirk and admires his collection of Terminator parts that he has been collecting for years. In which these technology were the basis for Luthor having quickly creating the virus. He will see that Skynet is built, but this time he will control it. 


Comics lot contains: Superman versus The Terminator: Death to the Future (1999-2000) Issues #1-4Dark Horse Comics / DC Comics 


Comics are bagged & boarded and will be carefully / securely packaged then shipped via USPS Priority Mail to ensure that it arrives to you perfectly and quickly. 


All First Printings 

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics / DC Comics 

Publication Date: 1999 - 2000 

Format per comic: FC, 32 pages, Comic, 10.25" x 6.5" 

UPC: 761568991420 


Collectible Entertainment note: Comics #1,2,3,4 are Fine condition.  Nice SetPlease See Scans!!  A must have for any serious Terminator and/or Superman collector / enthusiastA fun & entertaining read.  Very Highly Recommended. 


Please read return policy. 


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