This is a great, affordable & unique synthetic shaving brush! Looking for something a bit different to add to your shaving brush collection? Here’s your huckleberry!

I loaded it with the AP 24mm SilkSmoke Synthetic Flattop/Fan Hybrid knot. This knot performs very similar to the other SilkSmoke knots, it has super-soft tips that still has enough backbone to whip up a shaving lather in a decent amount of time. It’s tips are just as soft as a Cashmere, has twice the backbone, but 40% less splay than the Cashmere, still significantly less splay than the Synbad or Tuxedo and scrub equal to a Tuxedo.

It takes a bit longer to load and whip up a lather with this knot because of its softness. It performs similar to the PAA Solar Flare, it takes longer, but produces a nice, creamy lather. Since it’s tips are very soft, I set the loft all the way down at 56mm for maximum backbone to give it maximum lathering speed for a more balanced performance all together, while still having good flow-through, since it doesn’t splay so easy. This would be a good brush for bowl or hand-latherers with sensitive skin.

It also comes with a plastic spice jar that makes a top-notch travel case! Once your brush is cleaned off and you have the excess water worked out of the knot, place it in the spice jar, then flip up the little doors so it can finish drying. Once the knot is dry, close the doors to keep it clean, dust-free and protected!

Hand-assembled in the Heartland of the USA, by the People for the People, support American businesses, it benefits us all!

Loft - 56mm

Knot - AP SilkSmoke Flattop/Fan Hybrid

Brush Height - 122mm

Handle Diameter - 36mm

Softness - 95%

Backbone - 50%

Splay - 50%

Scrub - 5%