Apotheke Herbal Liver Detox Tea. 20 Tea Bags x 1.5g

Strawflower - Flower (Fios Stoechados), Blessed-Thistle - Herb (Herba Cardui Benedicti), Agrimony - Herb (Herba Agrimoniae), Common Dandelion - Root ( Radix Taraxaci), Fennel - Fruit (Fructus Foeniculi), Peppermint - Herb (Herba Menthae Piperitae), Chicory - Herb (Herba Cichorii)
Supports healthy digestion, kidney health, and liver function. Ingredients: Strawflower - Flower (Fios Stoechados), Blessed-Thistle - Herb (Herba Cardui Benedicti), Agrimony - Herb (Herba Agrimoniae), Common Dandelion - Root ( Radix Taraxaci), Fennel - Fruit (Fructus Foeniculi), Peppermint - Herb (Herba Menthae Piperitae), Chicory - Herb (Herba Cichorii). Agrimony herb promotes normal kidney, biliary and hepatic function. Strawflower and dandelion root supports the normal function of the liver and gall bladder. Blessed thistle, fennel and peppermint supports digestion. Preparation: 1 tea bag pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Recommended dosage: 1 cup per day. Content: 20 tea bags each 1.5 grams, total weight 30 grams.