size: approx. 29" x 23" inches

poster reads:

You won't know what the bloodheart in you is from medical definitions of the heart, but the diagrams of all its intricate tissue works are good to have. The electric mechanics of the powerful organ are hot intangible, but if something goes wrong there the whole body of life has the pain. Who knows what electric liquids create in your head. The universe is empty with whatever beat you have. How should you know the speed of your flesh in its action. Is it really best not to know your electric rush. Have you ever felt your heart vibrate supernatural tissues. Or do you only feel your heart when you're frightened, or when you may be a little worried you've overpumped it. Or Aren't you the one who's pumping your incredible flesh. You must be the one alive in your heart in the throbbing, or aren't you being worked in the heart you have. Your heart is so rich with blood you may be all love in it, no matter what your genes are designed to bear. The bloodflesh of you makes its coronary majesty, so whatever you can catch your heart with you'd better get. Don't hope that sleep will make your life something else. The heart beating in you can go even faster in sleep.