The turnip (Raphanus sativus) is an edible root vegetable of the Brassicaceae family that was domesticated in Europe in pre-Roman times. Turnips are grown and consumed throughout the world, being mostly eaten raw as a crunchy salad vegetable. They have numerous varieties, varying in size, color and the length of time they take to mature. They are sometimes grown as companion plants and suffer from few pests and diseases.
Turnip White long monowase is a medium-early long radish variety, which is naturally rich in essential vitamins and minerals, supports overall health and well being.
Suitable for fresh consumption.

A fast-maturing, long season crop . 
A popular salad item which is high yielding, in limited space. 
It makes an excellent catch crop throughout the season.
For early glasshouse production sow January-March. 
Sow maincrop July - August
Sow late glasshouse crop September-October. 

Sow the seeds about an inch deep and 2 inches apart  in your freshly prepared garden bed. Thin seedlings to about 6 inches apart once they are 2 inches tall. Space rows about 2 feet apart. Sow new seeds every two weeks for a successive crop.
Turnips should be harvested before the first hard frost of the fall or after about 75-85 days. Try to loosen the soil around each turnip without damaging the vegetables. Pull them out of the ground by their cluster of leaves.

Germination notes

IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - Please note seed is a live product which depends on many important related grower skills such as proper planting time, seed depth, and type of soil, watering, proper use of fertilizers, weed controls, fungicides, insecticides, disease free soil, and reasonable weather conditions during the growing period. Germination is affected by such factors as temperature, moisture content, light intensity and contamination of planting media.

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