Title: Needlepoint Now Magazine - Back Issue

Year: July August 2015, Volume XVII, Number 4

Editor: Elizabeth Bozievich

The content of this issue includes charts, historical articles, hints, 

techniques,  pictures, and much more.  Please note that the cover 

pictures are not necessarily charted content.

Contents: Phoenix Panel, Diane Grant; Fish Cleaners, Julie Pischke/Natasha Higgins; 

Peacock Square, Stickideen von der Wiehenburg Designs, Sutherland Stich Color 

Study, Kandace Thomas; White Holiday Gift, Susan Portra;  From the Judge's Corner, 

Connie Lynn Borserine; Using Common Stitches in Uncommon Ways, Ann Strite-Kurz;  

plus many Information articles and additional charts. Great! Some of the charts in this 

issue require painted canvases that must be purchased. These charts come in handy 

for your stitching pleasure.

Condition: Good - See notes above.