He’ll always be a man of his people, but Jamie Webster’s message has cut through hearts all over the land since the folk troubadour’s debut album ‘We Get By’ in 2020. The songwriting may have evolved from those defiant early days on the acoustic guitar, but the hard-hitting storytelling that made his name remains as he continues to give a voice to the masses through towering anthems to hold close through uncertain times.

Though born from frustration and adversity, Webster's music has always managed to encapsulate a sense of unity and togetherness through tough times. Take the breakthrough single ‘Weekend In Paradise’ which distills a living for the weekend ideology of the working classes. An anthem just about everyone working nine to five can relate to, the flagship single speaks volumes of the journey so far as it surpasses 20 million streams on Spotify alone. His second album ‘Moments’ charted in the Official UK Album Chart #3, Indie Chart #2, Official Vinyl Chart #2, Scottish Album Chart #2.

Jamie Webster is coming to Kingston to play a couple of album release shows in 2024, check the gallery images for more details.

These are brand new CD albums.

1.Better Day (featuring Brooke Combe)
2.Voice Of The Voiceless (Album Mix)
3.Lovers In The Supermarket
4.Dolly Bird
5.Fickle Fran (featuring Bill Bragg)
6.Looking Good
7.Sing Your Tears
8.The Boy (Chapter 1)
9.The Girl (Chapter 2)
10.Something To Eat
11.How Do You Sleep At Night?