Tarot Sweet Twilight, Halloween | Tarot of the Sweet Twilight, Cristiana Benintende, ANKH

Halloween Tarot deck created by artist Christina Benitende. The Minor and Major Arcana not only reincarnated as popular inspirations for Halloween costumes, but also became guides to the ancient world of the Celts. It was these people who became the parents of the gloomy holiday.

On October 31, the Celts celebrated Samhain - seeing off the old year and welcoming the new year. Samhain is the god of Death, who only on one day of the year allowed the souls of the dead to return to the land of the living. This tradition has continued, and even modern celebrations include honoring the dead and celebrating the living.

The images created by artist Cristina Benitende are surreal. Each image represents something interesting, a new type of Arcana that you have not seen before.

Author: Cristiana Benintende
Artist: Cristiana Benintende
Contents: 78 cards + instructions in Russian
Card language: multi
Cards size: 6.6 cm x 12 cm
Publisher: ANKH
Country of origin: Ukraine

Tradition: Waite
Minor Arcana: illustrations
Suits: wands, cups, swords, pentacles
Court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, King
Numbering: Jester 0 Strength 11 Justice 8
Category: fantasy, Celtic, surrealism