tarot tattoo, ANKH

This is the most creative Tarot that has been released recently. The imagination and creative intuition of Italian “body designers” created this masterpiece of the union of tradition, style and modernity. Tattooing is one of the most ancient arts. It has not disappeared, despite centuries of criticism and condemnation from various institutions that, to a greater or lesser extent, embody public opinion. Clearly, there are strong arguments why this phenomenon has not only stood the test of time, but has also gone through a process of change, adapting to the needs and tastes of almost all sections of society. This proves that a tattoo is something more significant than a manifestation of atavism. Moreover, it is not exclusively a mark of “crime”, since, as history shows, not only criminals applied tattoos to their bodies. And it originated in ancient times not at all in order to stigmatize someone.

A tattoo is a “second skin”, a way to stand out and emphasize your individuality. It so happened that from the moment of its inception, a tattoo can be of a religious and magical nature. A tattoo has always combined two basic principles: to decorate the human body and convey some information about its owner, and also to protect him from the evil forces of the outside world. All these properties of a tattoo connect it with the symbolism of Tarot cards. Both forms of personal expression - creative and psychological - merge in the Arcana, increasing the power and significance of their symbols and allegories. When creating the Italian Tarot Tattoo deck, the author of the idea, Pietro Alliego, and the artist, Christian Spadoni, managed to correlate the parts of the body on which the symbols were applied with the meanings of the Major Arcana, making the tattoos “living emblems” of the qualities encrypted in each card. Also, the 56 Minor Arcana, divided by color into four suits, correspond to parts of the human body. For example, Kings - tattoos are always on the character's neck; Aces - on the forehead, etc. This is how the classic Tarot takes on a new creative form while maintaining traditional content.
All sketches carry a symbolic and energetic load and can be used in tattooing. What was worn only by a select few in ancient times has now become an absolute fashion, accessible to people of any age.According to researchers, tattooing arose seven thousand years ago and the purpose of applying it to human skin has not changed during this time: with the help of signs, inscriptions, and complex compositions, a certain visual statement is created on the skin. In Asia, tattoos were applied in the form of hieroglyphs, which carried a significant meaning. Women's tattoos were also popular here. The design is pricked or scratched out, and injected into the resulting wounds.
dye. This is reflected in the etymology of the word “tattoo”. The word "tattoo" or "tatu" came into use in Europe after Captain Cook's voyage to Tahiti and appears to be derived from the Tahitian word "tatau" and the Marquesan "ta-tu", meaning "wound", "sign". Some linguists believe that the roots of tattoos go back to Polynesia and “tattoo” comes from the word “drawing”. In any case, both “tattoo” interpretations reflect the essence of the Tattoo. For centuries, tattoos have not only been used to decorate the body or as an element of intimidation, but also performed a significant social function, emphasizing belonging to a professional, religious, or some kind of tribe. The tattoo also served to convincingly express prestige, social status and to perpetuate heroic deeds.

Author: Pietro Alligo (Pietro Alligo)
Artist: Cristiano Spadoni (Christian Spadoni)
Contents: 78 cards + instructions in Russian
Card language: Russian, English, German, Spanish, French
Cards size: 6.6 cm x 12 cm
Publisher: ANKH
Country of origin: Ukraine

Tradition: Mixed
Minor Arcana: illustrations
Suits: wands, cups, swords, pentacles
Court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, King
Numbering: Jester 0 Strength 11 Justice 8
Category: Modern