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Chloé Women's Long Sleeved Sweater In Washed Wool Jersey With Back Zip

Size : 36 - S / Made in Italy
Our normal shop price: 1145 euros 


Chloé Women's Long Sleeved Sweater In Washed Wool Jersey With Back Zip

Black wool top from Chloé. Fastened with zip. 

A wool washed top is the kind of ladylike feature that lends any design an extra air of sophistication. Chloé's Wool sweater is timeless in every way, from the fit to the neutral hue. It's from washed wool and is subtly styled with the label's design.Chloé's sweater is so warm and cozy.Wear yours on long wintry walks, letting the contrasting peek out from under your coat.

made in italy 
Composition: 100% wool,
Model's Measurements:
ITEM ID: HHT14 17H086001
Height: 176cm -Bust: 85cm -Waist: 60cm -Hips: 89cm
Model is wearing size: 38

In 1952, Egyptian-born Parisienne and bohemian spirit Gaby Aghion founded Chloé. Rejecting the stiff formality of '50s fashion, she created soft, body-conscious fashion from fine fabrics and dubbed it "luxury pret-a-porter." From the beginning, Chloé has stayed in sync with the youthful, modern, and slightly audacious mood of Paris by hiring and developing new, young talents to design the collections.

100% Authentic, Guaranteed.Authenticity is the foundation of our business, and every item we sell is inspected by our expert team. Our authenticators are the most experienced and highly trained in the business. In addition, we source our products only from trusted suppliers.

Chloé women's long-sleeved sweater in washed wool jersey with a zip at the back

Black wool top from Chloé. Fastened with zipper.

A wool-washed top is a ladylike feature of sorts that adds an extra touch of sophistication to any design. Chloé's wool sweater is timeless in every way, from the fit to the neutral hue. It's made from washed wool and subtly detailed with the label's design. The Chloé sweater is so warm and cozy. Wear yours on long winter walks and let the contrast show through under your coat.

Made in Italy.
Composition: 100% wool,
model dimensions:
ITEM ID: HHT14 17H086001
Height: 176 cm - Bust: 85 cm - Waist: 60 cm - Hips: 89 cm
Model wears size: 38

In 1952, Egyptian-born Parisian and bohemian Gaby Aghion founded Chloé. She rejected the stiff formality of '50s fashion, creating soft, body-conscious fashions in fine fabrics and calling them "luxury pret-a-porter". From the outset, Chloé has kept pace with the youthful, modern and slightly bold vibe of Paris by hiring and developing new, young talent to design the collections.

100% authentic, guaranteed. Authenticity is the foundation of our business and every item we sell is checked by our team of experts. Our authenticators are the most experienced and highly trained in the industry. In addition, we only source our products from trusted suppliers.
Chinese : 


羊毛 水 洗 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的气息 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的性色调 的. 的. 的 的. 的 的. 的 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的. 的 的. 的 的 的羊毛 的羊毛 的 的毛衣 的 的羊毛 的 的 的羊毛 的羊毛 的 的羊毛 的 的 的羊毛品牌的设计风格。

项目ID:HHT14 17H086001

1952 年, 埃及裔埃及裔 和 波西米亚 波西米亚 Gaby Agthion 创立 了 Chloé. 她 拒绝 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的时尚"豪华 的 的". 从 一 开始, Chloé 就 通过 聘用 和 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的大胆 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的

100% 真实, 保证. 真实性 是 我们 业务 的 基础, 我们 出售 的 每 件 商品 均由 我们 的 专家 团队 进行 检查. 我们 的 认证 员 是 业务 上 经验 最 丰富, 训练有素 的. 此外, 我们 仅从值得信赖的供应商处采购我们的产品。
french : 
Pull Femme Chloé Manches Longues En Jersey De Laine Lavée Avec Zip Au Dos

Top en laine noire Chloé. Fermeture par zip.

Un haut en laine lavée est le genre de caractéristique distinguished qui confère à all design un air supplémentaire de sophistication. Le pull en laine Chloé est intemporel à all points de vue, de la coupe à la tinte neutre. Il est en laine lavée et est subtilement stylized avec le design de la marque.Le pull Chloé est si chaud et confortable.Portez le vôtre lors de longues promenades hivernales, laissant le contraste sous votre manteau.

Factory in Italy.
Composition: 100% linen,
Measures you model:
Article reference: HHT14 17H086001
Hauteur: 176cm - Bust: 85cm - Waist: 60cm - Hanches: 89cm
Le mannequin porte une taille: 38

En 1952, la parisienne d'origine égyptienne et l'esprit bohème Gaby Aghion fonde Chloé. Rejetant the formalité raide de la mode des années 50, elle a créé une mode douce et consciente du corps à partir de tissus fins et l'a surnommée "prêt-à-porter de luxe". Depuis le début, Chloé est restée en phase avec l'ambiance jeune, Moderne et légèrement audacieuse de Paris en recruitant et en developed de nouveaux jeunes talents pour concevoir les collections.

100% authentic, guaranteed L'authenticité est le fondement de notre entreprise et chaque article que nous vendons est inspecté par notre équipe d'experts. Nos authenticators are the plus experiments and the plus qualifications of the sector. De plus, nous achetons nos produits uniquement auprès de suppliers de confiance.
japanese : 
バックジップ の の の の の の クロエレディ セ セ セ タ セ タ タ タ


ウ ウ ウォッシュ トップ は の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の ニュ ニュ ニュ ニュ ニュ ニュ ニュ ニュ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ ウォッシュドウ使用 し の の の て タ の の の セ タ タ の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の

アイテムID:HHT14 17H086001

1952 年, エ ジ プ ト 生 ま れ の パ リ ジ ェ ン ヌ と ボ ヘ ミ ア ン ス ピ リ ッ ト の ギ ャ ビ ー ア ギ オ ン が ク ロ エ を 設立 し ま し た. 彼女 は 50 年代 の フ ァ ッ シ ョ ン の 堅固 な 形式 を 拒 否 し, 上 質 な 生地 か ら 柔 ら か く 身体 を 意識 し た フ ァ ッ シ ョ ン を 作 り, そ れを 「豪華 な プ レ タ ポ ル テ」 と 呼 ん だ. ク ロ エ は 当初 か ら, コ レ ク シ ョ ン を デ ザ イ ン す る た め の 新 し い 若 い 才能 を 採用 し, 育成 す る こ と で, パ リ の 若 く て モ ダ ン で 少 し 大胆 な ム ー ド と 同期 を 保 っ て き ま し た。

100% 本 物, 保証. 本 物 は 私 た ち の ビ ジ ネ ス の 基 盤 で あ り, 私 た ち が 販 売 す る す べ て の ア イ テ ム は 私 た ち の 専 門 家 チ ー ム に よ っ て 検 査 さ れ ま す. 当 社 の オ ー セ ン テ ィ ケ ー タ ー は, ビ ジ ネ ス で 最 も 経 験 豊 富 で高度な訓練を受けています。また、信頼できるサプライヤーからのみ製品を調達しています。
Russian : 
Женский свитер Chloé с длинными рукавами из мытого шерстяного джерси с молнией сзади

Черный шерстяной топ от Chloé. Застегивается на молнию.

Выстиранный шерстяной верх - это женственная деталь, которая придает любому дизайну дополнительную изысканность. Свитер Chloé's Wool in winter where all the clothes are, and the clothes are in the foreign language. On it is mystic and the sound is formal in the sootvetstvity in the language of the league. Свитер Chloé такой теплый и уютный. Наденьте свой на долгие зимние прогулки, позволяя контрастирующим элементам выглядывать из-под пальто.

Сделано в Италии.
Состав: 100% шерсть,
Размеры модели:
Rost: 176 см, обхват груди: 85 см, обхват талии: 60 см, обхват бедер: 89 см.
In the model number: 38

В 1952 году парижанка египетского происхождения и богемный дух Габи Агион основали компанию Chloé. Отвергая жесткую формальность моды 50-х, Она создавала мягкую, учитывающую тело мода из тонких тканей и окрестила Ее Роскошным прет-а-порте ». С самого начала Chloé была в гармонии с молодым, современным и немного дерзким настроением Парижа, нанимая и развивая новые молодые таланты для создания коллекций.

100% podlinnost, guarantee. Подлинность - основа нашего бизнеса, и каждый товар, который мы продаем, проверяется нашей командой экспертов. Наши аутентификаторы - самые опытные and хорошо обученные в своем деле. Кроме того, мы закупаем нашу продукцию только у проверенных поставщиков.
Arabic : 
توب من الصوف الأسود من Chloé. مربوطة بسحّاب.

الجءء العلوي المغسول من الصوف هو نوع الصوف هو نوع من السمات المهذبة التي تضفي على أي تصميم جوا إضافيا من الرقي. Chloe إنها من الصوف المغسول ومصممة بمهارة مع تصميم الملصق. سترة Chloé دافئة ومريحة للغاية, ارتديها في نزهات شتوية طويلة, لتترك التباين من تحت معطفك.

صنع في ايطاليا.
التركيب: 100٪ صوف ،
قياسات النموذج:
معرف العنصر: HHT14 17H086001
الارتفاع: 176 سم - الصدر: 85 سم - الخصر: 60 سم - الوركين: 89 سم
يرتدي العارض مقاس 38

الباريسية والبوهيمية ، بت٣سيس ك. رفضت شكليا صارما لأزياء الخمسينيات, ابتكرت أزياء ناعمة تراعي الجسد من الأقمشة الفاخرة وططلقت عليها اسم "الحمال الفاخر". منذ البداية, لت كلوي متزامنة مع الحالة المزاجية الشابة والحديثة والجريئة لباريس من خلال توظيف وتطوير مواهب شابة جديدة لتصميم المجموعات.

100٪ أصيل ومضمون. Good morning لدينا هم الأكثر خبرة وتدريبًا في هذا المجال. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، نحن مصدر منتجاتنا فقط من موردين موثوق بهم.
spanish : 
Jersey de mujer Chloé de manga larga en jersey de lana lavada con cremallera trasera

Top de lana negro de Chloé. Cierre con cremallera.

Una blusa de lana lavada es el tipo de característica femenina que le da cualquier design un aire extra de sofisticación. El suéter de lana de Chloé es atemporal en todos los sentidos, desde el adjust hasta el tono neutro. It de lana lavada y tiene un estilo sutil con el design de la marca. El suéter de Chloé es tan calido y acogedor. Úselo en largas caminatas invernales, dejando que el contraste se asome por debajo de su abrigo.

Hecho en Italia.
Composition: 100% lana,
Medidas del modelo:
Alto: 176cm - Pitch: 85cm - Cintura: 60cm - Caderas: 89cm
La modelo lleva la talla: 38

En 1952, la parisina nacida en Egipto y el espíritu bohemio Gaby Aghion fundó Chloé. Rechazando la rígida formalidad de la mode de los años 50, creó una moda suave y consciente del cuerpo a partir de telas finas y la denominó "pret-a-porter de lujo". Desde el principio, Chloé se ha mantenido sincronizada con el estado de ánimo juvenil, moderno y ligeramente audaz de Paris al contratar y desarrollar nuevos talentos jóvenes para diseñar las colecciones.

100% authentic, guaranteed. La autenticidad es la base de nuestro negocio, y cada artículo que vendemos it inspeccionado por nuestro equipo de experts. Nuestros autenticadores son los más experimentados y altamente capacitados en el negocio. Además, obtenemos nuestros productos solo de provenores confiables.
swedish :
Chloé långärmad tröja för kvinnor i tvättad ulltröja med dragkedja bak

Svart ulltopp från Chloé. Fäst med dragkedja.

En ulltvättad top är the type av ladylike function asm ger varje design and extra känsla av sofistikering. Chloés ulltröja är tidlös på alla sätt, från fit till neutral nyans. The first thing to be done is to make subtle use of the label design. Chloés tröja är så warm och mysig. Använd din på longga winter league promenader, so that contrasts kikar ut under din päls.

Gjord i Italy.
Samman saturation: 100% zero,
Model matningar:
ITEM ID: HHT14 17H086001
Höjd: 176 cm - Byst: 85 cm - Midja: 60 cm - Höfter: 89 cm
Models bear storlek: 38

1952 founded the egyptiska födda Parisienne and the bohemian andan Gaby Aghion Chloé. Hon avvisade the styva formaliteten på 50-talets mode och skapade ett mjukt, kroppsmedvetet mode från fina tyger och dopte det till "lyxig pret-a-porter". Från Början has Chloé hållit sig synkroniserad med Paris ungdomliga, moderna och lite djärva stämning genome att anstalla och utveckla nya unga talanger för att outforma kollektionerna.

100% akta, guaranteed. Act is the reason for the sale and the number of articles by the inspectors from the expert team. Våra autentiserare är de most erfarna och högutbildade in branches. Dessutom twill vi våra produts endast från betrodda delivererantörer.

I sell many designer items, all with great reviews, so please check my feedback for reassurance. Product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks featured or referred to within our products and services and within our accountt are the property of their respective trademark holders and are used for identification purposes only. We are not an official or authorized dealer for any of the brands we sell and all our products are 100% authentic. These trademark holders / manufacturers are not affiliated with us, our products, or our website. They do not sponsor or endorse our materials. Here is a partial listing of these trademarks and their owners. This list is subject to change without notice.Do not hesitate to contact me for further questions except authenticity! All my items are 100% authentic and bought in authorized boutiques!

The brand name is protected and is only used here because it is part of the product and indicates the quality.

No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto
No design template DSQUARED2 ICON HAT BASEBALL CAP NEW CAMOUFLAGE ARMY SIZE : UNISEX - ADJUSTABLE 'Icon' Baseball Cap ENGLISH : Product details • Baseball hat • Gabardine fabric • Visible seams • Rigid visor with edges with worn effect • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size OS measures as follows: 100% Authentic, Guaranteed GERMANY : Product details • Baseball cap • Gabardine fabric • Visible stitching • Rigid visor with distressed edges • Adjustable back strap with buckle • Icon- Logo embroidered on the front • Dsquared2 logo embroidered on the back The size of the OS measures as follows: CIRCUMFERENCE: 56 cm -Brim width: 7.5 cm -Compositionto